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Creative Clusters Summer School

Entrepreneurship, Workspace and the Local Creative Economy - 6-9th July 2009, Huddersfield; open for registration.

The Creative Clusters Summer School is four days of intensive up-skilling for
professionals developing the creative economy at the local level. The School
is designed for regeneration and development managers, consultants and researchers specialising in:
  >     Managed workspaces for creative businesses
  >     Business support programmes for creative entrepreneurs
  >     Local and regional strategies for the creative economy

The principal ingredients are:

• In-depth exposure to the detail of projects and policies through collaborative
learning, visits, games, seminars, lectures, social and networking events.

• Behind-the-scenes insights into leading creative workspaces that are contributing to the transformation of their local economies: Dean Clough, the landmark former carpet factory in Halifax; the Workstation, anchor building in Sheffield's Cultural Industries Quarter; and the Civic, Barnsley, newly reopened after a dramatic renovation.

• Projects visited are all works in progress, all evolving, and the course will look at the setbacks as well as the successes.

• Interaction, formal and informal, with practising creative entrepreneurs.

• Guest lectures from leading experts in the regional creative economy.

• Social events: barbecue and street party at Huddersfield Media Centre,
dinners at Yorkshire Sculpture Park and Huddersfield Town Hall.

• Substantial learning support: a digital Workbook with MP3 audio guides to
the places visited and an archive of working documents.

• Course leaders: Simon Evans (Director, Creative Clusters Ltd), Teo Greenstreet (CEO, The Media Centre, Huddersfield), Lee Corner (Consultant and Trainer,
LAC Ltd).

• Participation by local partners: Integreat, Yorkshire Forward, University of Huddersfield, Dean Clough Ltd, Sheffield Media and Exhibition Centre, Barnsley MBC, Kirklees MBC, CIDA.

To find out more, go to