ACE Archive
- Making it in the 21st century: A socio-economic survey of craft activity in England and Wales 2002-03
- New audiences for the arts. The New Audiences Programmes 1998-2003
- Public attitudes to the arts
- Local authority expenditure on the arts in England, 2001/02. Research Report 25
- Arts in England. attendance, participation and attitudes in 2002
- Facts and Figures About the Arts 1999-2000
- The arts in the early years: a national study of policy and practice. Research report 30
- Your health and the arts: a study of the association between arts engagement and health. Supplement to Research Report 37
- Focus on cultural diversity: the arts in England: attendance, participation and attitudes. Research report 34
- New audiences for the arts. Summary
- Arts in England 2003: attendance, participation and attitudes. Research report 37
- The impact of the arts: some research evidence
- Arts and the Magic of the Word: Public libraries and the further promotion of the arts in Ireland
- A Balancing Act
- A statistical survey of regularly and fixed term funded organisations 2001/02
- A statistical survey of regularly and fixed term funded organisations 2001/02
- A statistical survey of regularly and fixed-term funded organisations based on performance indicators for 2000/2001
- Access, Participation and Progression in the Arts for Young People on Detention and Training Orders
- Artists in Figures Full Research Report 31
- Artists, taxes and benefits – an international review - Full report
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