A - Z of Summaries
- A Cultural Policy Approach to Cultural Tourism in Australia: Pilot Study
- A Culture in Common
- A curriculum for artists
- A Fair Share?: Support for cultural activities in the English regions
- A Feasibility Study for Compiling a Tourism Satellite Account for the United Kingdom
- A Film Map of Great Britain
- A Fruitful Incoherence
- A Fuller Picture. The commercial impact of six British films
- A Guide to Local Trusts in the North of England
- A Guide to UK Company Giving
- A Learning Culture?: Trends in vocational education and training in the cultural sector
- A Library and Information Plan for the Visual Arts
- A Literature Review of the Evidence Base for Culture, The Arts and Sport Policy
- A Market Research Study undertaken by The Focus Group Consultancy for Eastern Arts Board Business Unit (UK)
- A Measure of Culture: Cultural experiences and cultural spending in New Zealand
- A National Cultural Strategy for Scotland: Report of Consultation
- A National System of Local Music Education Services. Report of a Feasibility Study
- A Needs Assessment Study in Parenting and the Role of Primary Healthcare
- A Netful of Jewels: New Museums in the Learning Age A report from the National Museums Directors' Conference
- A New Approach to the Generation of Small and Micro Business Growth in the North West of England