Research & information for the arts & cultural sector

Arts Research Seminar Programme, 2000-2002

Arts Research Ltd, the publishers of Arts Research Digest, has extended its programme of activity beyond the publication of the Digest in order to run a series of five one-day research seminars.

The series, which is taking place over two years from summer 2000 to the end of 2002, is designed to meet the growing demand for tightly focused, incisive debate about the application of research to practice. While such discussions take place within academic institutions and policy-making bodies, there is at present no accessible forum for the arts and cultural sector as a whole to participate in this kind of debate.

The volume and range of research into cultural policy and practice and related fields continue to grow This seminar series will look at the extent to which our practice in the cultural sector - as arts practitioners, arts managers, local authority officers, policy-makers, funders, consultants or researchers - is influenced by research findings.

The five seminars are:

1 Measuring the Impact of Culture?
16 June 2000
University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne

2 The Impact of Education Work on Artists' Practice
24 May 2001
Tate Britain, Millbank, London SW1

3 Action Research in the Arts [working title]
21 September 2001
University of Sussex, Brighton

4 From the Centre: The State of Research into the Decentralisation of Cultural Policy and Practice [working title]
Date & venue to be confirmed

5 Uses and Abuses of International Comparisons in Arts Research
[working title]
Date & venue to be confirmed