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Arts Research Limited

Arts Research Limited is a registered charity (No 327459) and a company
limited by guarantee (No 2105696).

It was established in 1987 to facilitate the exchange of information and the
practice of research in the United Kingdom and abroad, within and about
the arts and cultural sector.

It seeks to:
" increase knowledge and awareness of current arts research
" encourage and facilitate the dissemination of research findings
" improve standards in the conduct of arts research
" strengthen the network of those engaged in undertaking and
commissioning research

It does this through a range of activities including a seminar programme and
the publication of the Digest.

Registered office:
Arts Research Limited
52 Norland Square
London W11 4PZ
Telephone +44 (0)20 7229 2710
Fax +44 (0)20 7221 7724