This section of the site provides connections to other relevant arts and cultural sector websites. For ease of use, the sites are arranged by subject area. Only advance writing available for our readers.
Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB), UK Funds and supports advanced research; postgraduate research and training in the UK; and provides funding for museums, galleries and collections http://www.ahrb.ac.uk/
Arts Council of England (ACE) http://www.artscouncil.org.uk
Arts Victoria, Australia Responsible for the implementation of the state government's arts policy in Victoria http://www.arts.vic.gov.au/index.htm http://www.artsvic.gov.au
Association for Cultural Economics International, USA International scientific society furthering understanding of cultural economics http://www.dac.neu.edu/economics/n.alper/acei/
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) National statistical service in Australia http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs%40.nsf/c1061106e0c3442fca2568b5007b861d! OpenView
Australian Key Centre Provides research, teaching and training programmes for cultural and media policies in Australia http://www.gu.edu.au/centre/cmp/
British Council International organisation for educational and cultural relations for the UK overseas http://www.britcoun.org/arts/index.htm
Creative NZ, New Zealand Funds, researches and promotes the arts in New Zealand http://www.creativenz.govt.nz/
Cultural Trends, London, UK Journal of statistical research in contemporary culture and the arts http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/pdf/ccut-cfp.pdf Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), UK Government department providing funding and support for the arts, media and creative industries in England http://www.culture.gov.uk/text/index.html
English Regional Arts Boards On-line information service for the arts and cultural sector http://www.arts.org.uk/index.asp
Euclid, England European and international information and contacts for the cultural sector http://www.euclid.co.uk
Getty Trust, USA Promotes scholarships in the arts and humanities, undertakes research, critical inquiry, and debate http://www.getty.edu/research/
Institute of Leisure and Amenity Management (ILAM), England Professional body for the UK leisure industry http://www.ilam.co.uk/object.htm
International Intelligence on Culture, England Policy intelligence, research and consultancy, training, information and advice services http://www.intelculture.org/page1.html
International Journal of Arts Management (IJAM), Canada http://www.hec.ca/ijam/welcome.htm
Knowledge Services, England Consortium of organisations providing knowledge services to the arts sector http://www.sam-arts.demon.co.uk/knowledge/knowledge.htm
Mailout, UK UK-wide magazine for participatory and community arts development http://www.e-mailout.org/works.htm
The National Association of Local Government Arts Officers http://www.nalgao.org/index.htm
National Disability Arts Forum (NDAF), England Works to create equal opportunities for disabled people in the arts http://www.ndaf.org/
Sam's Books, Croydon, England Specialist arts management book service http://www.sam-arts.demon.co.uk
University of Sussex, Centre for Continuing Education, England Centre for arts and cultural management qualifications http://www.sussex.ac.uk/Units/CCE/arts03.html
Voluntary Arts Network (VAN), UK UK development agency for the voluntary arts http://www.voluntaryarts.org/
Alliance for the Arts, USA Organisation that gathers, analyses and publishes information about the arts in New York and promotes New York's cultural life http://www.allianceforarts.org/arc.html
Americans for the Arts Creates opportunities for Americans to participate in and appreciate the arts http://www.americansforthearts.org/research/
Australia Council Encourages the creativity and development of Australian artists, and greater access to arts and cultural activities http://www.ozco.gov.au/resources/publications/index.htm
Australia Key Centre for Cultural and Media Policy Enhances understanding of cultural and media policies and processes, and serves the policy needs of the Australian cultural and media sector http://www.gu.edu.au/centre/cmp/research.html
Boekmanstichting, Netherlands European study centre for arts, culture and related policy http://www.boekman.nl/engindex.html
Bologna in European Higher Arts Education, Netherlands Provides support to higher arts education institutes in regard to the Bologna Declaration http://www.bolognadeclaration.arts.ahk.nl/Overview/Overview.htm
Canadian Cultural Research Network Undertakes activities in cultural management education and research http://www.arts.uwaterloo.ca/ccm/ccrn/ccrn_resnews.html
Centre for Arts and Culture, USA American independent think tank for arts and cultural issues http://www.culturalpolicy.org/research/scan.htm
Centre for Cultural Policy Studies, University of Warwick,England http://www.warwick.ac.uk
Centre for postgraduate study of arts management and cultural policy http://www.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/Theatre_S/cp/index.html
City University London, UK Research into policymaking, management and the making of critical judgements in the arts, heritage and broad cultural sector http://www.city.ac.uk/research/artspol/index.htm
Comedia, England Independent research and consultancy organisation, which specialises in cultural policy http://www.comedia.org.uk/publications.htm
Cultural Information and Research Centres Liaison in Europe (CIRCLE), Netherlands Network of research, information and documentation centres and individuals concerned with culture http://www.boekman.nl/circle/
Culturelink Network, Croatia Network of networks for research and cooperation in cultural development http://www.culturelink.org/research/index.html
Demos, UK Independent think tank and policy research institute based in London http://www.demos.co.uk/A_resch.htm
Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands, Ireland Irish government department promoting cultural, social and economic welfare http://www.ealga.ie/
kulturdokumentation, Austria University for applied cultural research and cultural documentation http://www.kulturdokumentation.org/eversion/public_proj/index.html
National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), USA Funder of the arts in the United States http://www.arts.endow.gov/pub/
Policy Studies Institute (PSI), England Undertakes and publishes research studies in social and economic policy http://www.psi.org.uk/
Princeton University Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies, USA Improves the clarity, accuracy and sophistication of discourse about the nation's artistic and cultural life http://www.princeton.edu/~artspol/research.html
Unit for the Arts and Offenders, Canterbury, UK Creates opportunities for prisoners, ex-offenders and young people at risk of offending to participate in the arts http://www.a4offenders.org.uk/
University of Northumbria, School of Humanities - Research Departments, UK http://online.unn.ac.uk/faculties/art/humanities/research.htm
Arts and Business, London, UK Develops partnerships between business and the arts http://www.aandb.org.uk/content/1/page_65.shtml
Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB), England Funds and supports advanced research; postgraduate research and training; and provides funding for museums, galleries and collections http://www.ahrb.ac.uk/
Arts Council of England (ACE) Independent, non-political body working at arm's length from the Government to develop, sustain and promote the arts http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/ http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/news/index.html
Arts Council of Ireland / An Chomhairle Ealamon Autonomous body established to promote the knowledge, appreciation and practice of the arts http://www.artscouncil.ie/english.html
Arts Council of Northern Ireland Prime distributor of public support for the arts in Northern Ireland http://www.artscouncil-ni.org/departs/all/report/report.htm
Arts Council of Wales Funding and development for the arts in Wales http://www.ccc-acw.org.uk/
British Film Institute (BFI), London, UK Government funded agency promoting awareness of film in the UK http://www.bfi.org.uk/
Heritage Lottery Fund, UK Provides funding to projects involving the local, regional and national heritage of the United Kingdom http://www.hlf.org.uk
Scottish Arts Council Main channel for Government funding of the arts in Scotland http://www.sac.org.uk/
Artswork, Southampton, England Independent youth arts development agency developing creative opportunities for young people aged 14-25 http://www.artswork.org.uk/home.html
Centre for Creative Communities, London, England Independent charity working in arts and education http://www.creativecommunities.org.uk/bksales.html
Engage, UK International membership body, which promotes understanding and enjoyment of the visual arts by gallery education programmes http://www.engage.org/
European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA), Netherlands Independent organisation, which promotes arts education in Europe http://www.elia.ahk.nl/public/Publications.html
Lila Wallace-Readers Digest Fund, USA Creates opportunities for participation in the arts in America http://www.wallacefunds.org/frames/framesetoverview.htm
National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), UK Independent educational research organisation http://www.nfer.ac.uk/research/research.asp
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), France United Nations agency which promotes collaboration among nations through education, science, culture and communication http://upo.unesco.org/
Market and Marketing Research
Arts Marketing Association (AMA), England Supports professional development and arts marketing http://www.a-m-a.co.uk/preview/benefits.shtml#publications
Arts Marketing Hampshire, England Arts marketing agency in southern England http://www.hants.gov.uk/artsmarketing/research/research.html
Cardiff Arts Marketing, Wales Consortium of Cardiff's major arts organisations, building audiences for the arts in South East Wales http://www.arts4cardiff.co.uk/eng/about.php
Network, UK Professional association for collaborative audience development and marketing http://www.audiencedevelopment.org/research/rindex.htm
Valleys Arts Marketing, UK Enables creative audience development in Wales through research, training and marketing http://www.audiencedevelopment.org/agencies/agencies/vam.htm
Management and Training
Council for Dance Education and Training (CDET), England Promotes excellence in dance education and training http://www.cdet.org.uk/index2.htm
Cultural Enterprise, Wales Business support for creative industries in Wales http://www.cultural-enterprise.com/pages/service.html
Cultural Heritage National Training Organisation (CHNTO), UK Information on education and training for the Cultural Heritage sector in the UK http://www.culturalheritage.org.uk/library/
Department for Education and Skills (DFES), UK UK government department http://www.dfes.gov.uk/index.htm
Institute of Leisure and Amenity Management (ILAM), England Professional body for the UK leisure industry http://www.ilam.co.uk/object.htm
Metier, UK National training organisation for the arts and entertainment sector in the UK http://www.metier.org.uk/rbase/research.asp
Skillset, UK National training organisation for broadcast, film, video and interactive media in the UK http://www.skillset.org/research/home.asp
Arts for Health, Manchester, UK National centre providing help, information and advice about using the arts as a complementary part of health care http://www.artdes.mmu.ac.uk/arts4hth/items_available.htm
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, UK / USA Publishes professional and academic books in the social and behavioral sciences http://www.jkp.com/
Lime (formerly Hospital Arts), Manchester, UK Promotes interaction between arts and health http://www.lime.ic24.net/
National Network for Arts in Health, UK Membership organization that works with other regional and national arts in health organisations http://www.nnah.org.uk/
Performing Arts
Association of British Orchestras (ABO), UK National body representing the collective interests of professional orchestras in the UK http://www.abo.org.uk/res_sub1.html?menu=res
British Actors Equity Association UK trade union representing performing artists http://www.equity.org.uk/start.htm
Dance UK Provides information, publications, networks, forums for debate and conferences about dance http://www.danceuk.org/default800.htm http://www.dance.org.uk/
Independent Theatre Council (ITC), UK Represents a range of performing arts organisations, venues and individuals in the fields of drama, dance, opera, music theatre, puppetry, mixed media, mime, physical theatre and circus http://www.itc-arts.org/
Society of London Theatre (SOLT), UK Trade association representing producers, theatre owners and managers of commercial and grant-aided theatres in central London http://www.solt.co.uk/
Sound Sense, UK National development agency for community music http://www.soundsense.org/
Visual and Applied Arts
[a-n] The Artists Information Company, UK Provides information, advice and debate for visual and applied artists http://www.anweb.co.uk
Art Monthly, England Magazine of contemporary visual art http://www.artmonthly.co.uk/home.htm
Crafts Council, England http://www.craftscouncil.org.uk/
Design Council, England http://www.design-council.org.uk/design/content/publication_list.jsp
Engage, England International membership body for educators, artists, curators, teachers promoting understanding and enjoyment of the visual arts by gallery education and mediation programmes http://www.engage.org/
Institute of International Visual Arts (inIVA), UK Creates exhibitions, publications, multimedia, education and research projects, designed to bring the work of artists from culturally diverse backgrounds to the attention of the widest possible public http://www.iniva.org/newsite/pub_recent.html
Public Arts South West (PASW), England http://www.publicartonline.org.uk/
Visiting Arts, UK National agency for promoting international arts into the UK and developing related cultural links abroad to help build cultural awareness and positive cultural relations http://www.britishcouncil.org/visitingarts/publications/index.html
Film, Video, Broadcasting and Digital Media
Australian Film Commission http://www.afc.gov.au/resources/publica/index.html
British Film Institute (BFI), UK http://www.bfi.org.uk/education/research/about/
Community Media Association (CMA), Sheffield, UK Aims to support a third sector of community media services alongside commercial media and the BBC http://www.commedia.org.uk/about.htm
European Audiovisual Observatory, France Gathers and circulates information on the audiovisual industry in Europe http://www.obs.coe.int/about/oea/org/index.html.en
Film Council, UK Agency responsible for developing the film industry in the UK http://www.filmcouncil.org.uk/
Independent Television Commission (ITC), UK Body that licenses and regulates commercially funded television services in the UK http://www.itc.org.uk
Irish Film Board / Bord Scannan na hIireann, Ireland Provides loans and equity investment to independent Irish film-makers to assist in the development and production of Irish films http://www.irishfilmboard.com/
London Film and Video Development Agency (LFVDA), UK Provides funding, information, advice and professional support to makers of independent film, video and television in London http://www.lfvda.demon.co.uk/
Northern Ireland Film Commission Contributes to the development of a sustainable film industry in the UK and Ireland http://www.nifc.co.uk/
Scottish Screen Develops, encourages and promotes film, television and new media in Scotland http://www.scottishscreen.com/index.taf?_P=MAP
Sgrnn Media Agency for Wales / Asiantaeth Cyfryngau Cymru Develops industrial and cultural aspects of film, television and new media in Wales http://www.sgrin.co.uk/dsp_pluginchoose.cfm?language=en
Literature, Libraries and Publishing
Library and Information Statistics Unit (LISU), England Analyses, interprets and publishes statistical information and related management data for the library and information community http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/dis/lisu/public.html
Resource, The Council for Museums, Libraries and Archives, England Provides strategic leadership, advocacy and advice for museums, archives and libraries in the UK http://www.resource.gov.uk/information/research/00resrch.asp
Museums and Heritage
Council of Museums in Wales (CMW) Works to promote museums in Wales http://www.cmw.org.uk/
International Council of Museums, France Worldwide network for museum professionals http://www.icom.org/organization.html
Museums Association, England Non-governmental organisation that represents the interests of museum and gallery employees, museums and galleries as institutions and their collections http://www.museumsassociation.org
Northern Ireland Museums Council Supports museums in Northern Ireland, maintains standards of collections care and service to the public. Promotes a coherent framework of museum provision. http://www.nimc.co.uk
Research Centre for Museums and Galleries, UK Leicester University-based research centre http://www.le.ac.uk/museumstudies/researp.htm
Resource, The Council for Museums, Libraries and Archives, England Provides strategic leadership, advocacy and advice for museums, archives and libraries in the UK http://www.resource.gov.uk/information/research/00resrch.asp
Scottish Museums Council Membership organisation for museums and galleries in Scotland http://www.scottishmuseums.org.uk/htdocs/index.html
Voluntary Arts England an organization dedicated to promoting accessibility and participation within the voluntary and cultural sectors. The site has a large and comprehensive listing of current jobs, links, news and events. A vital resource for anyone involved within the arts. www.vaengland.org.uk