
Archive of all articles

Arts and the Development of the Local Economy (ADLE I)
Arts and the Development of the Local Economy (ADLE II)
Arts in the Local Economy
The Arts Plan 1995-1997
The Creative City
Cultural Policy in Italy
Culture Clash
Entertainment, Arts and Cultural Services
Gender and Employment in the Arts in the North
Local Arts Agency Facts 1994
A Richer Vision. The Development of Ethnic Minority Media in Western Democracies
The Social Impact of the Arts
A Socio-Economic Study of Artists in Scotland
The Arts and Tobacco Sponsorship
Local Authorities and the Decline in Funding for Dance and Drama Students
Cultural Funding In Australia
Funding Dance and Drama Training
Community Radio: a Gateway to Employment
Arts Education Agencies: A Progress Report
Guaranteeing an Entitlement to the Arts in Schools
Making Music Review of the Teaching, Learning and Playing of Musical Instruments in the UK
Music Teaching in European Countries
Report of the Commission of Enquiry into English
A Survey of Media Education in Schools and Colleges
Audience Survey 1994
Les jeunes et les sorties culturelles
Public Attitudes to the Arts 1994
The View from the Couch: Television Sponsorship
Visitor Survey 1994: York City Art Gallery Railway Posters Exhibition
Visitor Survey 1994: York City Art Gallery "Summertime" Exhibition
Youth Audience Research Report
Arts in Health Care Settings in the North Trent and Yorkshire and Humberside Regions
Environments for Quality Care
Me, Myself, I: Awareness Through the Arts
Music Against Drugs: an evaluation of a drugs prevention diversionary activity
A Comparative Analysis of Artist Promotion in the Music Industry in Sweden, France and the UK
Dance for '93 in the East Midlands: Assessing the Impact
Dance Spaces
Mushrooming Festivals
Review of Touring Opera Provision in England
Teaterns Roller: Betanke av Teaterutredningen The Role of the Theatre
L'art dans I'espace public Une analyse sociologique
Artist in Residence Evaluation Programme
Artists in Schools: Pilot Development Project
Close Collaborations Art in Schools and the Wider Environment
An Enquiry into Young People and Art Galleries
Handbuch zur Kunstfbrderung. Bildende Kunst, Architektur, Design
The British Film Industry
A Night in at the Opera: Media Representations of Opera
Television and the Household Reports from the BFI's Audience Tracking Study
Television and Radio
Also Wrote Plays: A Woman Playwrights' Sourcebook
Training Needs of Black and Asian Film-Makers in London
Investing in Children The Future of Library Services for Children and Young People
Words of Art A short report on the attitudes and habits of purchasers of contemporary poetry and new writing
Library and Information Plan for Music: Written Statement
Libraries in a World of Cultural Change
Minne och Bildning: Museernas upp-drag och organisation Memory & Training: Museum Purpose & Organisation
Museum, Media, Message
Museums Education Initiative Case Studies and Project Appraisal
Preserve or Destroy: Tourism and the Environment
Towards the Museum of the Future: New European Perspectives
The 24-Hour City
Crossing Borders: Measures Encouraging the Mobility of Artists and Artworks in Europe
Cultural Economics and Cultural Policies
Cultural Policy in Austria
Cultural Policy in the Netherlands
The Employment & Economic Significance of the Cultural Industries in the Temple Bar Area of Dublin
Ego Trip: Extra-Governmental Organisations in the UK and their Accountability
European Journal of Cultural Policy
Local Authority Arts Survey
Making Youth Arts Work
Networking for the Nineties: A Youth Arts Seminar
Sub-report for the World Report on Culture and Development*
Survive or Die: Sustainable Tourism in Practice
The Continuing Decline in Discretionary Awards from Local Authorities for Drama Students
Leisure and Recreation Statistics 1994/95 Estimates
Local Authority Arts Expenditure in Scotland 1992/93
London and the Lottery: Samples of Capital Need in the Arts in Greater London
Public Attitudes to Local Authority Arts Funding
Careers and Training in Dance and Drama
Made in Heaven: working partnerships between the TECs and LECs, and the arts and entertainment sector
A New Partnership?: TECs and the Voluntary Sector
Learning through Theatre
Literature in Education
Older and Wiser: A Study of Educational Provision for Black and Ethnic Minority Elders
Review of Instrumental Music Services
RSA Shakespeare in Schools Project
A Survey of Borough-based Arts Education Networks in London
Audience Survey: York Opera Nabucccft
Box Office Data Report 1993
Market Research Index for the Arts: 1994 Edition
Regional Demographic Profiles
Research into Arts Non-attenders
Research into Audience Expectations and Reactions to a Contemporary Opera
A Survey of Local Arts Organisations and Professional Artists
Theatre Arts
Theatres South Consortium Study
Words of Art: attitudes and habits of purchasers of contemporary poetry and new writing
Art in Hospitals: Does It Work?
The Arts in Primary Health Care
Measuring the similarity among leisure activities based on a perceived stress-reduction benefit
Audit of London Arts
Local Authorities' Management of Arts and Entertainment Facilities
Music and Copyright
Overview of Safety Legislation Affecting the Theatre
A Report on the Irish Popular Music Industry
Review of Music
Rock Bands: a transaction cost approach
Sharp, Stylish, Fluid & Flexible: the value of small scale performing arts
Theatre for Young People: research and development plan
A Year of Live Arts in London
Artists in Residence Evaluation Programme
Crafts in the 1990s: a socio-economic study of craftspeople in England, Scotland and Wales
Photographic Publishing Report
Posing Questions: report on an inter-generational photography project in Bethnal Green
Visual Artists' Networking
Border Crossing: film in Ireland, Britain and Europe
Cable TV in the North West
Consultancy Report on a Lincolnshire Cinema Exhibition Consortium
National Identity and Europe
Networks for Change: short course training provision for film and video in the eastern region
The Printed Press and Television in the Regions of Europe
Radio, the Community and the Arts in the South and East
Voices and Places: the BBC and regional policy
London Literature Venues Survey
Regional Publishing and Distribution
An Examination of Options for Contracting Out in Public Libraries
A Library and Information Plan for the Visual Arts
Report by the Secretary of State for National Heritage on Library and Information Matters during 1993
Review of Library and Information Plans
Review of the Public Library Service in England and Wales
The Size and Efficiency Debate: public library authorities in a time of change
Art and Life: the decorative arts in the museums of Yorkshire and Humberside
The National Report on Museum Education
Review of Museums Policy
Survey of Museums and Galleries in Scotland
But is it Workable? The Evaluation and Monitoring of the Australia Council's Women and Arts Policy
Creating Space: Unitary Development Plans and the Arts, Culture and Entertainment
Culture and the Community: The Development of Cultural Policy in the European Community
Customer Care in the Arts
The Economics of the Arts in Ireland
The Employment & Economic Significance of the Cultural Industries in Ireland
Human Rights and Cultural Policies in a Changing Europe
Information Systems in the Arts: The American Experience
A Tall Order: Report on a Symposium on the Future of London Arts Centres
Business Sponsorship for the Arts 1993/94
Creative Partnerships : Funding Agreements Between Local Authorities and Voluntary Arts Organisations
ILAM/NCA Arts Survey
Partnerships With the Private Sector
Evaluation of the West Yorkshire Management Development Scheme
The Lowton Project: School Partnership and the Training of Drama Teachers
Midlands Freelance Survey: Employment Patterns & Training Needs, 1993/94
Radio Survey: Employment Patterns and Training Needs, 1993/94
An Evaluation of Educational and Training Provision for the Cultural Sector in Sweden
Photography and Visual Education: Report of the 'Styles and Sites of Photographic Education' Research Project
Art-Form Profile: ART
Art-form Profile: Classical Music
Art-form Profile: Dance
Art-form Profile: Literature
Theatre in Education: Ten years of change
The Effects and Effectiveness of Arts Education in Schools
A Statistical Survey of Regularly Funded Organisations based on Performance Indicators for 1996/97
A Survey of Attenders of Playing with Fire at Nottingham Playhouse 1-3 May
Arts Audiences in the East of England: A regionwide audience research project Volume One
Arts Audiences in the East of England: A regionwide audience research project Volume Two
Australia's Balance of Trade in Culture
Computers for the Arts: Marketing and Management
Measuring the Impact of Festivals: Guidelines for conducting an economic impact study
Regeneration through the Arts: A Study into the potential for arts based social and economic development projects in the Objective 5B area of Lancashire
Values Added: How emerging values could influence the development of London
Transaction Tracking: The economic lives of practitioners in the cultural sector
A Fruitful Incoherence
Cultural Industries Baseline Study
Cultural Funding in Australia 1995-96
Local Funding: The impact of the National Lottery Charities Board
Structure and Funding of the Voluntary Arts
Trends, Myths and Realities
Branching Out: Arts education as a catalyst for change
School Performance and Extra-Curricular Provision
Arts in Wales: Trends in attendance and participation. A report based on the ACW/ Beaufort Omnibus Surveys
Art-form Profile: Opera
Art-form Profile: Plays in English
Orchestral Concerts Quantitative Research
The Public and the Arts : A Survey of Behaviour and Attitudes in Ireland
York Early Music Festival Audience Survey 1994
Arts in Healthcare Initiative: Evaluation Report
Arts Festivals 1993-94: Research Paper No. 13
BBC/Arts Council Review of National Orchestra Provision
Black Disabled People's Arts Project
Branching Out A Report on Youth Theatre in the West Midlands
Developing Audiences for African and Caribbean Dance
Lyric Theatre Review
Review of Music in the Northern Arts Region
Should Bootleggers Face the Music? The Economics of Illegally Recorded Music
The State of Independents An Analysis of the Independence of the UK Popular Music Industry
Theatre for Young People
Tales of the Unexpected: Post-War Artistic Initiatives
Artists' Film and Video Audience Development in the Northern Region
Broadcasting and Audio-Visual Policy in the European Single Market
The Future of Television: Generalist or Thematic Channels?
Television: The Public's View 1993
Acteurs, Politiques et Moyens pour une Diffusion Internationale du Livre:
Public Attitudes to Reading
Writers' Guides Project
Public Libraries and their Book Funds (1995)
Un Nouveau Regard sur les Musees
Museums and their Visitors
The Reluctant Museum Visitor A Study of Non-Goers to History Museums and Art Galleries
Arts and Society
Arts Impact Research
The Challenge of Cultural Development
European Cities of Culture and Cultural Months
Harnessing Creativity & Innovation for Urban Economic Success: An
Managing the Cultural Sector Essential Competencies in Arts, Culture & Heritage in Ireland
Poverty: Access and Participation in the Arts
A Study of Management of the Arts in the New South Africa
World Report on Culture and Development
1994 Crime Bill Analysis: Funding Opportunities in the Arts and Humanities
Funding the Arts and Culture through Dedicated State Lotteries Part II
Creating Careers: Human Resource Issues in the Cultural Sector
Job Creation and New Opportunities in the Arts and Culture Sector Working Document 3
Comparative Study of Further Education Staff Attitudes to Multi-Cultural & Racist Reforms in Art & Design Education
Instrumental Tuition in the Northern Arts Region (working title)
Practices and Future Issues of Arts Management Education and Training in the United Kingdom
Arts Festivals 1994 Audiences, Attitudes and Sponsorship
Arts in their View A Study of Youth Participation in the Arts
Audience Survey 1994 Theatre Royal, York: Sleeping Beauty
Audience Survey 1995 York Film Theatre: City Screen
Audience Survey 1995 Guildhall Orchestra at the Barbican Centre, York
Box Office Data Report 1994
Cultural Trends in Scotland: Issue Number 2
La Musique en Amateur
Le Téléspectateur: Glouton ou Gourmet?
The Activities and Living Conditions of Performers in Japan: 1994 Survey
The Arts Council of England Grant-Aided 'National' Companies
Blind to the Facts An Exploration of the Needs of the Blind and Visually Impaired Musician
Cooperative Orchestras: The Promise and the Problems
Domestic Dance Presenting: Challenges and Change
Drama in England (Consultative green paper)
European Performing Arts Organisations: The Recession and its Implications
Hampshire Community Theatre Review
The Orchestra: Professional Orchestras in Japan
The Performed Arts in London and Regional Theatres
Sound of the Future: Human Resource Issues in Music and Sound Recording
Staging the Future: Human Resource Issues in Audio-Visual and Live Performing Arts
The Theatre Review
Artists Networking Development
The Benefits of Public Art The Polemics of Permanent Art in Public Places
Demand Structure in the Figurative Arts Market Art Societies & Museum Friends Associations in Germany
National Network of Photography/New Media Centres: A Strategic Review
Refreshing Alternatives A Study of Artist-led Organisations, Stage 1
Survey of Group Studio Provision: A Study of Artist-led Organisations Stage 1
Work in Progress: Human Resource Issues in the Visual Arts & Crafts
In Front of the Children: Screen Entertainment and Young Audiences
Job Creation and New Occupations in Audio-Visual Services: Working Document 5
Moving Experiences: Understanding Television's Influences and Effects
Television and Gender Representation
Words in Progress: Human Resource Issues in the Literary Arts and Publishing
Folk Arts Archive Research Project: Final Report
By Popular Demand
Museums 1994: Art Museums, Museums and Public Galleries in Australia Research Paper No. 14
Museums in Essex Qualitative Research Report, Executive Summary
Artists' Rights Research Programme: Part 1: Fees & payments in exhibition & commissioning
Artists' Rights Research Programme: Part 2: The tax/employment status of the visual artist
Arts Activities in Prisons in the Yorkshire and Humberside Region
Arts and Disability
Changing Lives The social impact of the arts
Changing Places The arts in Scotland's urban areas 2nd edition
Changing Rural Lives The arts in Scotland's rural areas
The Cultural Dimension of Development Towards a practical approach
Cultural Policy & Management in the United Kingdom Proceedings of an international symposium
Employment in the Arts and Cultural Industries: an analysis of the 1991 Census
Employment in the Arts and Cultural Industries in Scotland: an analysis of the 1991 Census
The Impact on the Arts of the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
Research into the Application of New Technologies to the Arts
An Assessment of the Potential Long-term Effects on the Arts of the National Lottery
Business Support for the Arts 1994/95: National Research Survey
Symphonic Variations: An international comparative evaluation of orchestral repertoire & funding
Arts Training in Merseyside
Community Radio: Employment Trends and Training Needs
Design & Implementation of Modern Apprenticeships
The Pownall Green Project School partnership and the training of drama teachers: a cross curricular approach
Stage Fright and the Design of a Course for Performers in Training
Arts Education for a Multicultural Society An evaluation of the AEMS project
Cultural Institutions and Education Research Project
An Evaluation of the Effects of Education and Marketing Activities on Passive Participation in the Arts
Provision and Funding of Arts Organisations' Education Programmes
Whither the Arts? The state of the expressive arts in secondary schools
Arts & Cultural Attendance by International Visitors 1993 & 1994 with comparisons 1986-1992
Demand for Lied and Operatic Arias
Leisure Behaviour in South Yorkshire: Report and dataset
Straight Theatre Demand in Portugal: Unit Root Test Documentos de trabalho no. 2
Current Research in Arts Medicine
Let's Get Down to Business Theatrical Management Association membership survey
Northern Orchestral Consortium Review
Physical and Visual Theatres: Development plan for the Northern region
Review of Jazz in England: Consultative green paper
A Review of Music in the Northern Region
A Review of Northern Arts Dance Strategy
Theatre for Children and Young People
Continuity and Change: Dresden's galleries in 1989 and 1995
BBC World Service: Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General
The Effects of Americanisation on the British Film Industry and Culture
Film, Cinema and Video
One Europe, Many Voices
The Role of Independent Cinema Exhibition within the European Film Industry
Television, Ethnicity and Cultural Change
Books: Who's Reading Them Now?: A study of book buying and borrowing in Australia
School Book-Buying Survey 1994-5
Public Libraries and their Book Funds (1996)
Standards for the Public Library Service in Scotland 1995
University Libraries. A report on Book and Journal Spending
Ethnography of European Traditional Cultures Their role & perspectives in a multicultural world
The Role of Freelance Workers and Small-scale Consultants in Museums
Access Case Studies
The Arts & Cultural Industries in the London Economy
The Arts & the Northern Ireland Economy
Cultural Centres in Central and Eastern Europe Culturelink special issue 1995
Cultural Policy & Administration in Europe: 42 Insights Kulturpolitik und Kulturadministration in Europa: 42 Einblicke
Cultural Policy in Estonia
Cultural Policy in Russia
The Distribution of Employment in Cultural Industries in the UK
The Economics of Artists' Labour Markets: ACE Research Report No 3
In Search of a Cogent Cultural Policy: Observations on the findings of the US/ Japan Cultural Policy Study 1993-1995
Music, Cultural Policy and Post-Communism in Eastern and Central Europe
Le Poids Economique des Activites Artistiques Amateur
The Politics of Fun Cultural policy & debate in contemporary France
Women's Participation in the Arts & Cultural Industries in Queensland
The Artist & the Market: The response of artists to working under different economic conditions
Creating Social Capital: A study of the long-term benefits from community-based arts funding
Discretionary Awards in Dance & Drama: A survey of local education authorities
The Economic Value of Volunteering
Funding of the Performing & Visual Arts First Report
London & the Lottery Volume II: The Experiences of Smaller Arts Organisations
Study into Ways of Boosting Arts Funding through a Share Scheme
Survey of Grant Allocations to Building-Based Theatres
Where Now? Theatre Subscription Selling in the '90s A report on the American experience
Visual Arts Curators' Training Needs Analysis
A Beginning, Middle and End?: A study of the work of writers in education
Disability, Arts & Education
Les Amateurs. Enquete sur les Activites Artistiques des Francais
Attitudes to Participation in the Arts, Heritage, Broadcasting & Sport: A review of recent research
The Audience for Ensemble Music
The Effectiveness of Offers Sent by Fax & Direct Mail
Fear, Fright & Distress: A Review of Children's 'Negative' Emotional Responses to Television
Radio & Audience Attitudes: Annual Review 1994
Report into Research of Audiences at the Crucible Theatre for the Danceworks Season 1995
Adolescents & the Media: Medical & Psychological Impact
Arts in Hospital: 5th International Conference Report
Funding the Arts in Hospitals: A Survey of 176 Hospitals in England
Equity Membership Survey
Live Music-Making in Rural Areas: A Dying or a Flourishing Tradition?: Amateur music in Sweden & the UK
Artists' Workspace & Resources
Les Arts Plastiques en amateur Developpement culturel no. 110
Internationalism in the Visual Arts
Audit for Southern Arts: Time-Based Media 1992-95
Decentralisation in the Global Era: Television in the regions, nationalities & small countries of the EU
The Impact of Television Advertising on Children
Media Use as Social Action: A European approach to audience studies
Perspectives of Disability in Broadcasting: Research Working Paper 11
Public Broadcasting for the 21st Century: Acamedia Research Monograph 17
Study of Industrial Modes of Production of Television Drama
The Children's Reading Choices Project
Reading Professional Identities: Boomers & their Books: Cultural Policy Paper No 3
2020 Vision: Towards the New Library: A strategic agenda & policy framework for Australia's libraries
Navigating the Economy of Knowledge: Users and non-users of public libraries
Collecting Practices in Contemporary Britain
The Art of Regeneration: Urban Renewal Through Cultural Activity
The Arts & Rural Communities
Employment in Culture: Research Paper No 1 (Australia)
Plugged in: Multimedia & the Arts in London
The Origins of the Arts Policy Network in Britain
Overseas Born Persons & the Arts: Australia
State Culture & Decentralisation: A comparative study of decentralisation processes in Nordic cultural policy
Working Groups Networks for cultural co-operation in Europe
Youth & the Arts: Australia
LEA Policies Regarding Discretionary Awards 1995/96
Business Sponsorship of Cultural Activities 1993-94 Cultural Trends in Australia No. 3
Cultural Funding in Australia 1993-94
Les Depenses Culturelles des Collectivites Territoriales en 1993
The Lottery of Lottery Funding
Survey of Local Authority Leisure Services Expenditure in England & Wales, 1995-96
Student Teachers' Perceptions of Teaching the Arts in Primary Schools
Understanding Art in Primary Schools: Cases from teachers' research
Understanding Design & Technology in Primary Schools Cases from teachers' research
Box Office Data Report 1995
I Talk Now: A report on the Bristol Health & Community Arts Project
La Danse en Amateur: Developpement culturel no. 112
Participatory Music in the British Isles
Performing Women: Stand-ups, Strumpets & Itinerants
Storm Warning Theatrical Management Association membership survey
Le Theatre en Amateur: Developpement culturel no. 114
Digital Creativity
Television in Scandinavia: Acamedia Research Monograph 20
Australian Book Publishers: Cultural Trends in Australia No. 3
L'ecriture en amateur: Developpement culturel no. 111
A Poetry Survey for the Arts Council of England: Key findings; ACE Research report no. 4
Local Authority Spending on Museums
Museum Briefing: Facts About Museums
Museums, Galleries & New Audiences
The Role of Museums & the Arts in the Urban Regeneration of Liverpool
Arts, Entertainment & Tourism
Economic & Social Impact of the Lottery : A Literature Review
English Heritage Monitor 1996
Tourism & Culture in Lombardy: Present situation & future possibilities
Tourism, Culture & Development The Case of Egypt
Tourism, Culture & Development The Case of Palestine
The Art of Flexibility: Arts Centres in the 1990s; ACE Research Report No. 8
Artists in the Workforce: Employment & Earnings, 1970-1990 USA: Research Division Report no. 37
Cultural Trends 24: Vol. 6, no. 4
Cultural Trends 25: Vol. 7, no. 1
Cultural Trends 26: Vol. 7, no. 2
Governance in the Netherlands: A Comparative View of Arts Governance in the US & the Netherlands
Information on Artists II USA
New Zealand Cultural Statistics 1995
New Zealand Framework for Cultural Statistics 1995
Arts Statistics & Trends 1987-1996
Austrian Theatres Cost Too Much! A
Culture as Commodity? The Economics of the Arts & Built Heritage in the UK
Employment Impact of the National Lottery
Local Authority Expenditure on the Arts 1992-93
Local Authority Expenditure on the Arts in England, 1995/96: ACE Research Report No. 6
Local Goverment & the Arts: A Statutory Duty for the Arts; Part of ACE Research Report No. 7
Looking Ahead Private Sector Giving to the Arts and the Humanities USA
Public Expenditure on the Arts & Culture in Finland: English summary
Beyond Tradition: Partnerships Among Orchestras, Schools and Communities USA
Effects of Arts Education on Participation in the Arts USA: Research Division Report no. 36
Instruments in Schools
Strategies for Success: Personal & educational development in Youth Theatres
Age & Arts Participation USA: Research Division Report no. 34
American Participation in Opera & Musical Theater 1992: Research Division Report no. 32
American Participation in Theater: Research Division Report no. 35
The Arts: Some Australian Data The Australia Council's compendium of arts statistics
Australians' Expenditure on Culture: Cultural Trends in Australia No. 4
Jazz in America: Who's Listening?: Research Division Report no. 31
Pleins Feux sur les Publics de Spectacles (Canada)
Portrait Statistique de 1'Evolution des Arts de la Scene au Quebec 1989-1990 and 1993-1994
Public Attitudes to Local Authority Funding of the Arts: Part of ACE Research Report No. 7
Fit to Dance? The report of the national inquiry into dancers' health and injury
Psychological Stress & Musicians in the Workplace Working title USA
The Professional Drama Sector in England: A Statistical Profile; An appendix to the Drama White Paper
Subsidised Theatre in the UK
The Value of Music
Ways in Which Orchestra Organisations can Address the Impact of Baumol's Cost Disease
Art Historical Methods & their Application to Studio-Based Teaching in Schools
Beyond Tradition: Environmental Arts Activity in Cambridgeshire
Contemporary Art & Artists in Education
Defining Research in Art & Design Education
The Role of Art Museums & Artists' Studios in the Urban Renewal of Deprived City Areas
The Development of the Audiovisual Landscape in Central Europe since 1989
Turning on & Tuning in: Public Participation in the Arts via Media in the United States: Research Division Report no. 33
London: Library City; The public library service in London: a strategic review
Cultures on Display
Ethnographic Collections in Museums in the North East of England
Making Representations: Museums in the Post-Colonial Era
Open Up! Guidelines for Cultural Diversity Visitor Studies Australia
Perspectives on Access to Museums and Galleries in Historic Buildings
African Caribbean Arts Provision in Reading
Arts Policies, Structures and Participation
Consumption in the Arts and Cultural Industries. Recent trends in the UK
Culture and Neighbourhoods. Concepts and references. Volume 1
Deaf Arts Audit: Research into the provision of arts activities for deaf people in England (ACE Research Report No 10)
The Performing Arts
The Arts Matter. Work, Creativity and the Arts
Research into Arts and Disability Provision in Buckinghamshire
Social Impact of the Arts. Portsmouth case study
Survey of MPs' Arts Interests
Business Support for the Arts 1995/96. National Research Survey
Corporate Support for the Arts 1996. Survey of Expenditure and Attitudes
Household Spending on Culture [in New Zealand] 1996
Culture, Creativity and the Young. Arts Education in Europe: a survey
Evaluation of engage's Gallery Week 1996
Secondary School Pupils and the Arts. Report of a MORI research study (ACE Research Report No. 5)
Setting the Scene. The Arts and Young People
The State of the Arts in Five English Secondary Schools
Marketing the Arts. A Study of Marketing and Audience Development by Australian Arts Organisations
To Sell Art, Know Your Market.: A Survey of Visual and Fine Craft Buyers
Asian Arts in Berkshire
Asian Arts Audience Research Study
Going Black Under the Skin
How Accessible is Mainstream Theatre? An investigation into the reasons for non-attendance by deaf people at mainstream theatre
Mapping the Field. A Research Project on the Education Work of British Orchestras
Music and the Music Industry
Globalisation, Technology and Creativity. Current Trends in the Music Industry
The Cultural Production and Distribution of Musical Genres: A Comparative Study
Artists Rights Programme. A Review of Artists' Earnings for Exhibitions and Commissions
Artists Rights Programme. Taxation and Employment Status of Visual Artists
Measuring the Experience: a study of the scope and value of artist-led organisations. Summary and recommendations
Visual Arts Awareness Wave 2. Summary Report
Visual Literacy, Issues and Debates. A report on the research project 'Framing Visual and Verbal Experience'
Visual Arts. Attitude Survey
Espacios para el arte contempraneo, remedios de revitalization urbana (Spaces for Contemporary Art, Healers of Urban Revitalisation)
Survey Report on Video Positive Festival, Liverpool, 29 April - 6 May 1995
Children on Television
Children's Media Culture. Education, Entertainment and the Public Sphere
Information and Democracy. An audit of public information in the media
Redefining Public Service Broadcasting. An Ethnography of the BBC
The Regulation of TV Broadcasting. Public Policy, Technical Change and Market Structure
Books, Libraries and Reading
Effects of the Abandonment of the Net Book Agreement. First interim research report
The Present and Future Contribution of British Publishing to Higher Education in the United Kingdom
The Creative Bits. The Social Impacts of the Arts Using Digital Technology
A Common Wealth. Museums and Learning in the United Kingdom
Positive Thinking. Creative Approaches to Providing Museum and Gallery Education
Article 31 Children and the Arts: Creative action for the next millennium
Artists, Responsibility and Solidarity
Arts Policy and Funding in the United States: Some critical perspectives
Collective Reproduction through Individual Efforts: The location of Norwegian artists in the income hierarchy
Creative America: A report to the President by the President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities
Disability and the Arts: Get it right
From Public to Private Rights in the Arts Sector
How the Arts Measure Up: Australian research into social impact Working paper 8
In the Public Interest: Making art that makes a difference in the USA Working paper 9
Northern Lights: The social impact of the Feisean (Gaelic Festivals) Working paper 6
Our Creative Diversity: Report of the world commission on culture and development
Stepping Stones, Arts Modern Apprenticeships: A report on partnerships, employment and training in the arts
Surviving and Thriving: Oxfordshire youth arts audit and development plan
Tailruni's Travellers: An arts worker's view of evaluation
The Arts Review: A position paper
The Boom in Amateur Arts Activities in France
Short Guide to Interpretation
Use or Ornament? The social impact of participation in the arts
A Cultural Policy Approach to Cultural Tourism in Australia: Pilot Study
A Fair Share?: Support for cultural activities in the English regions
Creative Partnership: Working together in the arts
Cultural Funding: Australia 1994-95
New and Alternative Mechanisms for Financing the Arts: A report by London Economics for the ACE and English Regional Arts Boards - ACE Report No 12
Sponsorship into the Millennium: Current Trends and the future in sponsorship - A research report
Study into the Employment Effects of the Arts Lottery in England: Final report
A Learning Culture?: Trends in vocational education and training in the cultural sector
Arts Organisations and their Education Programmes: A report for the Arts Council of England
Leading Through Learning: the English Arts Funding System's Policy for Education and Training
The Heart of the Matter the Education Research and Development initiative (ERDI): Its impact and implications for the future
Attendance at Festivals, Australia, November 1995 to September 1996
Cultural Trends in Australia: A Statistical Overview, 1997
The Economic Impact of Cultural Industries in Wales: Feasibility study
DANSE Rehearsal Space Use in London: A review of the use of rehearsal spaces by London-based dance companies
Joining in: An investigation into participatory music - A Gulbenkian Foundation report
Music and Globalisation
Career Paths of Visual Artists: ACE Research Report No 11
Public Art: People, projects, process
Similarity and Difference: Craftspeople and visual artists in Australia
Arts and Media: A new challenge for the artists in Europe
Statistics from the NHS Regional Librarians Group 1995-96
TTPL Survey of UK Special Library Statistics
Children as an Audience for Museums and Galleries
Contemporary Crafts in Museums
Museums: Facts and trends 1990 -1996 New Zealand
Changing Faces of Tradition: A report on the Folk & Traditional Arts in the United States
A Review of 'From Mountain to Motorway' the Strategy for the Arts in Rural Areas of the West Midlands: Consultative Draft
Bulgarian Cultural Policy in a State of Transition: National report
Cultural Policy and the Crisis of Legitimacy: Entrepreneurial answers in the United Kingdom
Cultural Policy in Bulgaria: Report of a European panel of examiners
Cultural Policy in Lithuania: Report of a European panel of examiners
Cultural Policy in Lithuania: National report
Cultural Policy in Slovenia: Report of a European panel of examiners
Cultural Policy in Slovenia: National report
Evaluation of the Arts for Everyone Express Scheme: Final report to the Arts Council
In from the Margins: A conurbation to the debate on culture and development in Europe
New Ideas in Science and Art
Planning for Equality?: Decentralisation in Cultural Policy
Taking Part: Conference Report
The Contribution of the Voluntary Arts to our Cultural Life
The Cultural Industries Sector: Its definition and character from secondary sources on employment and trade, Britain 1984-91
Cultural Trends in Australia No 6: Attendance at Festivals Australia, November 1995 to September 1996
Domestic Cultural Tourism in Australia 1994-95
Employment in the Arts and Cultural Industries: An analysis of the Labour Force Survey and other sources
Video Positive 97 Audience Research
Work in Selected Culture/Leisure Activities (1998)
Business of Music, Australia
Audience Development: Tasters'
In Search of Best Value
Developing New Circus in the UK
Developing Theatre Writing
Economic Strategies for Orchestras
Musicians Go To School: Partnership in the classroom
Helping Students to Learn Independently in the Crafts
The Mentoring Scheme For Women Writers: A report on a pilot training project for playwrights and performance writers
Opening Lines: New contexts for artists' projects
Strip the Willow
The Urban Jungle
Visual Arts UK: Public attitudes towards and awareness of the Year of Visual Arts in the North of England (Summary)
British Film Institute Television Industry Tracking Study: The First Year; an interim report
British Film Institute Television Industry Tracking Study: Second interim report
Multimedia Districts
Commissioning the Future
Electronic Publishing: Statistics of supply and library use
Trends in Reading at Eight
Cultural Diversity: Attitudes of ethnic minority populations towards museums and galleries
Improving Museum Learning
Museums and Galleries Statistics: The DOMUS database
Museums and Repatriation: An account of contested items in museum collections in the UK, with comparative material from other countries
Museums, Galleries and the Lottery
Museum Management in a Time of Change: Impacts of cultural policy on museums in Britain, 1979-1997
Museums & Young People
The Case for Free Admission to Museums and Galleries: free for all
Aaj-Kal Today and Tomorrow: Shaping the future of South Asian arts participation and practice
Art Collections, Creativity and Change: Whither local government?
Assessment of Cultural Information Needs in the Central European Countries in Transition towards the Market Economy
Assessment of the Economic Impact of Battersea Arts Centre
Belfast: Investing in change through community-level cultural activity
Copyright as an Economic Incentive
Culture in Central and Eastern Europe: Institutional and Value Changes
Evaluation of Local Authority Arts Policies: A report by Artservice for the Arts Council of England (Executive summary)
Family Friendly Research Project
Making it Happen
Privatisation and Culture: Limitation or opportunities for cultural development in Europe?
Review of Research Activities: Consultation Paper for the Arts Council of England
The Employment Effects of the Arts Lottery in England: A report by CELTS for the Arts Council of England
Training Needs Analysis
Wiltshire Youth Arts
Cultural industries in Japan
Evaluation of the European Commission's Kaleidoscope Programme
Institutionalism of Culture: Cultural Policies, Cultural Industries and Cultural Stratifications
Programming at Arts Centres
The Arts and Science: One culture
GaME1: The impact of Lotteries on Employment
Local Authority Expenditure on the Arts in England, 1997/98
Evaluation of the Impact of National Lottery Equipment Grants to the Arts in Scotland
Scottish Arts Council/Convention of Scottish Local Authorities Survey of Local Authority Expenditure on the Arts, Libraries and Museums and Galleries 1996/97
Drama, Narrative and Moral Education
Training of Artists and Teachers working with Young People in the Arts
Arts Audience Research
A Quality of Light: 1997 Visitor Survey
Employment in Selected Culture/Leisure Occupations
Leisure Participation in Victoria 1996
Valuing the Benefits of Recreation, Arts, Parks
Visions of Utopia: An evaluation
Labour Market Analysis: Cultural Sector
Drama Review
Making Music 1997
An Analysis of the Patterns and Demands of Employment for Dancers, Actors and Stage Managers, and Associations for Future Training
Mentoring for Photographers, Digital and Contemporary Image Makers: Feasibility study
New Vision: A critical view of the visual arts infrastructure
What's happening to Photography
Artists Studio Development in Preston: Pre-feasibility research
A Bigger Picture: The report of the Film Policy Review Group
Technological and Organisational Change in the European Audiovisual Industries: An exploratory analysis of the consequences for employment
Survey of Film & TV Development Costs in Europe
Crossing the Digital Threshold
The Second Flood: Report on cyberculture
Electronic Publishing; Strategic development for the European publishing industry towards the Year 2000 (Executive summary)
IAML (UK) Sets Survey
New Library: The people's network
North West Arts Board: Merseyside literature development initiative
VAT and Book Policy: Impacts and issues
Collaboration Between Museums: A report for the Museums & Galleries Commission
Hidden Heritage: A development plan for museums in Queensland 1995-2001
The Changing Faces of Tradition: Research division report #38
To Charge Or Not To Charge? A study of museum admission policies
Culture and New Technologies
Advanced Museums
Confrontation and Conflict: The challenge to the arts in times of turmoil (NL)
Correcting the Picture: Conference report
Cultural Diversity and Citizenship: Report of a joint UNESCO/University of Birmingham Seminar
Cultural Policy in Croatia: National report
Cultural Policy in Croatia: Provisional report of European panel of examiners
Dynamics of Communication and Cultural Change: The role of networks (CR)
Economics of Artists and Arts Policy: Selection of papers (FIN)
European Programme of National, Transversal and Sectional Cultural Development Policies (FR)
Going for Broke: Women's participation in the arts and cultural industries (AU)
New Frontiers for Employment in Europe: Heritage, the arts and communication as a laboratory for new ideas (IT)
Poverty & Oysters: The social impact of local arts development in Portsmouth
Public Policy and the Arts
Stimulating Social Inclusion Spending
World Congress on the Status of the Artist (FR)
Creativity of Older People
Cultural Diversity Research
International Data on Public Spending on the Arts in Eleven Countries
The Policy for Poetry of the English Arts Funding System
Arts and Education in Partnership: European conference report
Audience Development: Collaboration between education and marketing
Creative Tensions: A discussion document on arts organisations and education
The Arts Inspected: Good teaching in art, dance, drama, music
Promoting the Arts in Schools: How to carry out a school arts audit and compile an arts statement
A Needs Assessment Study in Parenting and the Role of Primary Healthcare
Cornwall Arts Network: Arts information and box office service feasibility study
Libraries and Museums (AU)
Motion Picture Exhibition (AU)
The World is your Audience: Case studies in audience development and cultural diversity
Cultural Statistics Framework
Market & Marketing Strategies in North Lancashire and South Lakes
Training Would Help: The training needs of artists who work with older people
Independent Dance Review Report
Reform or Transition: The future of repertory theatre in Central and Eastern Europe (US)
Review on South Asian Dance in England
Theatre in Crisis: The plight of regional theatre
The Fourth "R": The case for music in the school curriculum
What Share of the Cake Now? The employment of women in English theatre
Women and Jazz
Across the Learning Divide: Adults learning in the arts and crafts
Collections and Reflections: The transformative and assimilative uses of arts objects
An Investigation into the Programming of Arts Centres
Review of Open Access Provision and Facilities for Artists in Scotland
'Year of the Arts 1998': Education evaluation
Audit of Media in English
Film in Ireland: The role of the Arts Council (IRL)
How Much Do You Think a Writer Needs to Live On? The cost of letters, a survey of literary living standards
Live Writing: Explorations in training
Modelling Use at Individual Service Points
Reading for Life: Conference report
The Book within the Regions of Europe (FR)
A Survey of Archaeological Archives in England
Building Bridges: Guidance for museums and galleries on developing new audiences
Centres for Curiosity and Imagination: When is a museum not a museum?
Collecting in Contemporary Practice
Regional Seminar on the Application of the Recommendation on the Safeguarding of The Traditional Culture and Folklore of Latin America and the Caribbean: Final report
The Cultural Sector: A development opportunity for tourism in Northern Ireland (Summary report)
American Canvas (US)
Art Works! Prevention Programs for Youth & Communities (US)
Cultural Conclusions: A summary of cultural and audiovisual conferences and meetings
Cultural Policies in Europe: A comparative approach (FR)
Cultural Policies: Cultural administration in Austria (AT)
Information on Artists 2: Abstract (US)
Our Creative Diversity: A critical perspective
Preservation and Development of Cultural Life in Countries of Central and Eastern Europe (FR)
The Arts and Young People in Wales
The Economic Impact of the Arts and Cultural Industries in Wales
The Making of a Programme Diary: A study of the programming of arts presentation at arts centres in Britain
The Power of Culture Conference Report
The State and the Arts: An analysis of key economic policy issues in Europe and the United States
Transforming the Future Quality of Life: Rethinking free time and work
Youth Research
A Statistical Survey of Regularly Funded Organisations based on Performance Indicators for 1997/98
National Arts Sponsorship Survey 1998 (IRL)
The Economic and Social Impact of the National Lottery: Research Digest - Volume 2, 1998
Artists in Schools: A handbook for teachers and artists
Building Better Relationship with Schools: A guide for arts organisations
The Effects and Effectiveness of Arts Education in Schools: Interim report 1
A Report on the Research Findings into Cultural Product within Major Conventions in Tasmania (AU)
Box Office Data Report 1997
National Production Survey '97-'98 (AU)
Norwich Theatre Royal: Economic survey 1997/98
Other Spaces: The marketing, distribution and exhibition of interactive art (All)
The North's Cultural Sector
The West End Theatre Audience
The Wyndham Report: The economic impact of London's west end theatre
A Training Strategy for Artists in Education in the Yorkshire and Humberside Region
Report Based on a Postal Survey of Training & Development in the Cultural Sector
Dance On '98: Interim report
ENCORE: Strategies for theatre renewal
Fitness for Purpose Report: Dance,drama and stage management training - an examination of industry needs and the relationship with the current provision of training
Mapping Hidden Talent: Investigating youth music projects
Arts and Antiques Trade
Crafts 2000: A future in the making
Ideas in the Making: Practice in theory
Learning Through Making: A national enquiry into the value of creative practical education in Britain (executive summary)
No Offence: An evaluation report of an artist in residence at HMP Durham
Pupils as Makers
Pupils as Makers: Aspects of crafts in secondary schools in England and Wales
St. Catherine's Sculpture Garden: An evaluation report
A Study of the Impact of Visual Arts UK on Artists in the Northern Region
Back of Beyond: Discovering Australian Film and Television
Careers Paths in the Australian Film Industry: A survey of AFI award nominees 1988-93 (AU)
Books and Art on the Internet
Freedom of Expression and the Communication Network (FR)
Recommendations for Growth: UK digital media
The Bush Track Meets the Information Superhighway (AU)
Beyond Book Issues: The social potential of library projects
Building the New Library Network: A report to government
Learning Development: An introduction to social impact of libraries
Publishing and Bookselling in the UK
The Next Issue: Reading partnerships for libraries
Writing Live: An investigation of the relationship between writing and live art
Gallery Week '98 Evaluation
Museums Week Report 1998
Balancing Act: 21 strategic dilemmas in cultural policy (FR)
Better Places Richer Communities: Cultural planning and local development, a practical guide (AU)
Briefcases: Arts case studies to make the case for the arts in Wales (UK)
Culture - a way forward: Culture and neighbourhoods, an action-research project in urban Europe (FR)
Culture, Creativity and the Young: Developing public policy (FR)
Cultural Policy in Europe - European Cultural Policy?: Nation-state and transnational concepts (AT)
English Cultural Services: Government policy and local strategies (UK)
Intergovernmental Conference on Culture Policies for Development (FR)
The New Adhocracy: Strategy, risk and the small creative firm (UK)
The Article 31 Children's Consultancy: Final report on West Midlands arts consultancy project (UK)
Policy for Learning and the Arts (UK)
A Policy for Professional and Organisation Development (UK)
Arts Council of England: Monitoring major capital projects funded by the National Lottery (UK)
Arts Expenditure in Scotland 1996/97: COSLA/SAC survey (UK)
Arts Funding: An update on foundation trends (us)
Business Investment in the Art: Arts & Business National Research Survey (UK)
Business Sponsorship, Australia 1996-97
Cultural Funding in Australia: Three tiers of government 1996-97(AU)
Local Authority Expenditure Survey 1998/99
All our Futures: Creativity, culture and education (UK)
Artists in Schools: A review (UK)
Investing in the Arts: How to carry out a school arts audit and compile and arts statement (UK)
New Opportunities: Change in tertiary visual arts education (NZ)
Orchestral Education Programmes: Intents and purposes (UK)
Partners and Providers: The role of HEIs in the provision of cultural and sports facilities to the wider public (UK)
Seeing, Making, Doing: Creative development in early years settings (UK)
The Disappearing Arts? The current state of the arts in initial teacher training and professional development (UK)
The South Norfolk School Refusers Programme (UK)
1998 Salary Statistics for Middle and Small-Scale Performing Arts Organisations (UK)
A Market Research Study undertaken by The Focus Group Consultancy for Eastern Arts Board Business Unit (UK)
Attendance at, Participation in, and Attitudes Towards the Arts in Scotland (UK) - Systems Three
Better Film Statistics: Report of feasibility study (UK)
Building a Global Audience: British television in overseas markets (UK)
Cultural Trends in Australia No 7: Art and craft purchases 1997 (AU)
Public Attitudes to the Arts, Australia (AU)
Sound Recording Studios 1996-97(AU)
Statistics on Film: What the official statistics show
Who's My Market? A guide to researching audiences and visitors in the arts
SKILLCIT Skills for the Citizen: Report of first pilot phase
The Art of Health: Promoting cultural partnerships in care
Commercial Art Galleries 1996-97(AU)
Future Lives Indifferent Spaces: Visions of Utopia Residency in South Shields
Making a Leap, Theatre of Empowerment: A practical handbook for creative drama work with young people (UK)
Notes on Notes: Summary of research findings on good practice in the production of concert programmes (UK)
Performing Arts Industries 1996-97
Review of Large-Scale Touring: The provision of lyric work in England (UK)
Traditional Music in Scotland: Education, information, advocacy (UK)
Put Yourself in the Picture: Research report part 1, regional results (UK)
Visual Paths to Literacy (UK)
Film and Video Production and Distribution 1996-97
Moving Image Exhibition in the North West Arts Board Region
Radio and Television Services 1996-97
Delivering Digital Images: Cultural heritage resources for education
Images Online: Perspective on the museum educational site licensing project
Appraisal of Annual Library Plans 1998: Final report (UK)
Literacy is not Enough
Report on the DCMS/Wolfson Fund 1997-98
The Role of Libraries in a Learning Society
Virtually New Creating the Digital Collection: A review of digitisation projects in local authority libraries and archives
Libraries and Arts Research Project
A Feasibility Study for Compiling a Tourism Satellite Account for the United Kingdom
Arts and the Natural Heritage: Scottish Natural Heritage Review No 109
International Visitors to UK Museums and Galleries: An analysis of the museums perspective
Kick Starting the Dialogue: Report of the first Australian regional galleries summit
Selected Museums, Australia
The Management of Higher Education Museums, Galleries and Collections n the UK : International Centre for Higher Education Management Occasional Paper Number 7
Tomorrow's Tourism: A growth industry for the new millennium
Cultural Competence: New Technologies, Culture & Employment
New Old: Thirty Thousand Years of Experience
No Difference, No Future! Action for Cultural Diversity in Greater Manchester
Out in the Open Arts
Policy Action Team 10 Research Report: Arts and Neighbourhood Renewal
Poverty and Access to the Arts
Recreating Communities
The Role of the Creative Industries in Local & Regional Development
Towards a Local Cultural Index
Urban Cultural Policies in the Context of the European Integration
A Guide to Local Trusts in the North of England
A Guide to UK Company Giving
Local Authority Expenditure on the Arts in England, 1998/9
The National Lottery Yearbook 1999 Edition
Education Provision in the Subsidised Cultural Sector
A report on music making for after-school groups in Calderdale
Arts is Everyday / Mahi toi ia ra A survey of arts participation in New Zealand Adults
Children's Attendance, Participation and Attitudes towards the Arts in Scotland
Perception and Attendance to the Arts in Edinburgh
Young People and the Arts in West Edinburgh
Good Governance
Latent Talent. In search of talent in the arts outside the formal education sector
Notes on Conducting Research for Arts & Cultural Organisations
Shall We Dance? A report on vocational dance training in Ireland
Working Out: Volumes I & II
Comparing the Performing Arts in Britain, the US and Germany Making the most of secondary data
Magic, Myths and Money
National Orchestra Week 1999 Evaluation Report
The UK Music Industry Some recent developments
Graduate into Business: Rethinking business start up. A new model for success in art and design
The North West Arts Board Setting Up Scheme
A Fuller Picture. The commercial impact of six British films
Making Movies Matter
Television Industry Tracking Study
Learning Development. An introduction to the social impact of public libraries
The Built Heritage in England: Grants, Earnings and Employment
The Built Heritage in England: the History and Development of Government Policy
The Built Heritage in England: Properties Open to the Public, Visitors and Visitor Trends
The Heritage Dividend
Introduction to Managing Digital Assets. Options for Cultural and Educational Organizations
Arts and Regeneration
The Context and Structure of European Cultural Networks
Creative Industries Exports: Our Hidden Potential
Developing Cultural Strategies and Sustainable Projects with the Third System: The Experience of Empiric
North West Cultural Forum
Fundraising Costs. A report by the Directory of Social Change
General Operating Support: A View from the Field: Case Studies and Reflections on Nine Grantmaking Programs
Drama Sets You Free: A survey of the position of Drama in the curriculum of secondary schools
Interaction: Developing links between the furniture industry and higher/further education in the areas of design, technology and manufacture
Learning at the Core
Making Connections: Arts Organisations and Adult Learning
Wanted: Music Teachers in the Classroom
Boom, Bust and Recovery?: Arts Audience Development in Germany between 1980 and 1996
Crossing the Line: Extending Young People's Access to Cultural Venues
Identity and Identification: Marketing international and culturally specific performance
Public Participation in the Arts in the United States: Summary of the National Endowment for the Arts 1997 survey
Community Arts Practice in Scotland and the Implications for Training for Practitioners
Evaluation of Public Art Projects Funded Under the Lottery
Skills Forecasting Scotland: A Labour Market Analysis of the Scottish Cultural Heritage, Arts and Entertainment Sectors 1999
Spotlight on Skills: Working in London's West End Theatres
Creative Industries Internet Inquiry: 'Snapshot of a Rolling Wave'
Creative Industries: The Regional Dimension
The Cultural Production Sector in Manchester: Research and Strategy
The Employment and Enterprise Characteristics of the Cultural Sector in Europe: A Report for Banking on Culture
The Third Door Disability Arts Study
Artstat: Digest of Arts Statistics and Trends in the UK 1986/87-1997/98
The Arts Funding Guide 5th: Edition
A Comparative Study of Levels of Arts Expenditure in Selected Countries and Regions
Evaluation of the Arts for Everyone Main Scheme: Final Report to the Arts Council
Local Authority Expenditure on the Arts: A four year perspective
A Statistical Survey of Regularly and Fixed Term Funded Organisations based on Performance Indicators for 1998/99
Northern Artists into Schools: Schools' Evaluation Report 1995-1999
Older Younger Seminar Report
Placing Art in New Contexts: Summary of a report to the Arts Council of England
Bullying and Arts Management
The Art & Science of Nurturing Dancemakers: Papers from the Greenhouse Effect Conference
Consumers Call the Tune: The Impact of New Technologies on the Music Industry
Equity Theatre Funding Conference Report
Practising Participation: The repertoires and relationships of Contemporary Music-making for Amateurs
Young Directors in Europe Today: The 3rd European Theatre Forum 1998
'White Goods' Contemporary Crafts Showcases 1999: Summary and Conclusions of Quantitative & Qualitative Research Reports
The Case for Rural Cinema: A report for East Midlands Arts, Eastern Arts & the British Film Institute
Digital Culture in Europe: A selective inventory of centres of innovation in the arts and new technologies
A Study of Audience Relationships with Interactive Computer-based Visual Artworks in Gallery Settings, through Observation, Art Practice and Curation
Arts and the Magic of the Word Public Libraries and the further promotion of the Arts in Ireland
The Impact of Non-Fiction Lending from Public Libraries
Libraries in the Workplace
Library Legislation in Europe Discussion Papers and Country Reports
LISU Annual Library Statistics 1999 featuring trend analysis of UK public and academic libraries 1988-98
Paperbacks in Public Libraries
Public Libraries and the Arts
Public Library Materials Fund and Budget Survey 1998-2000
Creative Energy: The Creative Industries in London's Economy
The Independents: Britain's New Cultural Entrepreneurs
Privatization and Culture: Experiences in the Arts, Heritage and Cultural Industries in Europe
Getting Britain Giving to Culture
A New Approach to the Generation of Small and Micro Business Growth in the North West of England
The Creative Age: Knowledge and skills for the new economy
Learning and Making Conference Report
Healthy, Wealthy and Wise: Arts Marketing Association Conference: July 1999
Marketing Cultural Organisations: New Strategies for Attracting Audiences to Classical Music, Dance, Museums, Theatre and Opera
Researching Society and Culture
The Search for a Method: Focus Groups and the Development of Mass Communication Research
True Colours: Public Attitudes to Multiculturalism and the Role of the Government
Art-Based Research
Tapestry of Cultural Issues in Art Therapy
Therapeutic Art Directives and Resources: Activities and Initiatives for Individuals and Groups
Dance Makers Portfolio Conversations with choreographers
From Handel to Hendrix: The Composer and the Public Sphere
Managing Dance: Current Issues and Future Strategies
The Next Stage: Towards a National Policy for Theatre in England
Norwich Theatre Royal Survey 1998/99
Locus Solus: Site, Identity, Technology in Contemporary Art
Strange and Charmed: Science and the Contemporary Visual Arts
Film Council: Towards a Sustainable UK Film Industry
Opening Windows: Issues in Communication
Talk of Drama: Views of the Television Dramatist Now and Then
Libraries and the Regions: A Discussion Paper
Libraries for All: Social Inclusion in Public Libraries:
The Learning Power of Museums A Vision for Museum Education
A Netful of Jewels: New Museums in the Learning Age A report from the National Museums Directors' Conference
West Midlands Arts: Professional & Organisational Development Action Plan
Arts Skills 2000: Labour market changes, skills needs and skills forecasts in the arts sector
Cultural Industry Baseline Study
Learning and Skills Index
Putting it on the Record: Research into the skills base and future skills needs of the music industry
Classical Music and Social Result
The Roles and Functions of the English Regional Producing Theatres
A Sound Performance: The economic value of music to the United Kingdom
Stress and Job Satisfaction among Symphony Musicians
Time for Change: A Framework for the Development of African People's Dance Forms
Artists at Work 1999: A study of patterns and conditions of work in the Southern Arts region
Artists-in-Research 1996-98
Artranspennine98: Summary Evaluation Report
Destinations & Reflections: Careers of British art, craft and design graduates
Creative Industries: UK Television Exports Inquiry
Youth and the Global Media
Survey of Secondary School Library Users
Archiving the Arts of England's Culturally Diverse Communities
Conservation in the United Kingdom
Creative Industry: Generating Income for Museums and Galleries
Lifting the Veil: Research and Scholarship in United Kingdom Museums and Galleries
New Visions for Museums in the 21st Century
Visitors to Museums and Galleries in the UK
Critical Public Agent or Hired Hand?: Perspectives for Research on Cultural Policy
Cultural Policies in Europe: Method and Practice of Evaluation
Arts Partnership in Leeds: Inclusive Arts, Competitive Arts
Cheshire Creative Industries Mapping Study: Final Report
Creative Industries on Merseyside
The European Music Industry and European Music Policy
International Exchange of the Arts A Study prepared for the Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Making Creative Capital: An economic study of the cultural industries in Norfolk
Report on the Creative Industries Finance Conference: Connecting Creativity with Capital
Arts Funding 2000: Funder Perspectives on Current and Future Trends
Banking on Culture: New financial instruments for expanding the cultural sector in Europe
Business Investment in the Arts 1998/99
Cultural Funding in Australia: Three Tiers of Government 1997-98
Cultural Sponsorship in Europe
Leisure and Recreation Statistics 1999-2000 Estimates
A Review of Lottery Application Processes
Third-System Financial Instruments for the Cultural Sector: A Report for Banking on Culture
Champions of Change: The Impact of the Arts on Learning
With Flying Colours: A pilot project promoting active participation in the arts and local community action in primary schools mainly attended by ethnic minorities
Attendance at Selected Cultural Venues
Audiences for Live Theatre in Britain: The present situation and some implications
How Much?: The How Much? project to investigate the impact of programming, price and promotion on young people's theatre attendance
Public Attitudes to the Arts - ARD summary
Stop Re-inventing the Wheel: A guide to what we already know about developing audiences for classical music
Access, Efficiency and Excellence Measuring Non-economic Performance in the English Subsidised Cultural Sector
Performance Matters: An Equity/DfEE Seminar on the Training and Employment of Disabled Performers
Work in Selected Culture/Leisure Activities (2000)
The Exeter Evaluation
Equity Report on a Survey of Members 1999
Knowing the Score: Association of British Orchestras and ABO Trust research into the statistical dimensions of the UK orchestral sector
Live Entertainment at the Seaside
From Callaghan to Kosovo: Changing Trends in British Television news
Television on Your Doorstep: Decentralisation Experiences in the European Union
Australian Book Publishing 1997-98: Cultural Trends in Australia No 9
Library Power: Executive Summary: Findings from the Evaluation of the National Library Power Program
Perspectives of Public Library Use 2: A compendium of survey information
Reading the Situation: Book reading, buying & borrowing habits in Britain
Trend Analysis of Monograph Acquisitions in Public and University Libraries in the UK
The Economic Contribution of Historic Parks, Gardens and Designed Landscapes
Stealing History: The Illicit Trade in Cultural Material
Towards a Renaissance in Urban Parks
The Creative City: A Toolkit for Urban Innovators
The Creativity Imperative: Investing in the arts in the 21st century
Cultural Policies in Europe: A compendium of basic facts and trends
Cultural Policy: A Short Guide
Cultural Rights & European Democracies in Transition
Impact and Values: Assessing the Arts and Creative Industries in the South West
Networking Culture: The Role of European Cultural Networks
A New Strategy for Scottish Tourism
Planning Cultural Tourism in Europe: A Presentation of Theories and Cases
Education & Training Development Agenda 2000-01
From Policy to Partnership Developing the arts in schools
Maximising the Educational and Cultural Potential of the New Information Technologies
The Arts Industry in Victoria: A Statistical Overview
Arts - What's in a Word? Ethnic Minorities and the Arts
Cultural Industries Key Data: The Cultural Industries in Yorkshire and the Humber
A National Cultural Strategy for Scotland: Report of Consultation
The Role of the Arts in Regeneration
Whose Heritage? The Impact of Cultural Diversity on Britain's Living Heritage
You can't play Richard III, you're handicapped .. . and people will be looking at you!
European Funding of Culture: Promoting common culture or regional growth?
Government Spending on Culture 1990-1999
Improving Lottery Funding Access & Delivery in the British Coalfields: Coalfields and the Lottery Study Phase II: An Independent Report to the Department for Culture, Media & Sport and the National Lottery distributing bodies
Arts-based Projects in Schools: Achievements and Constraints Report on a qualitative study
Arts Education in Secondary Schools: Effects and Effectiveness
Recovering Outreach
Australians and the Arts: What do the arts mean to Australians?
Know Your Audience
Research Study into a Network of Centres for Arts for Children & Young People in Scotland
A Survey of Maori Arts Participation
Arts Skills 2000 Skills and Trends Forecasting
Breightmet Arts Impact Assessment Set-up Year 1999-2000
Modernising the Relationship Part Two
Research Needs of the Cultural
The Recording Industry in Numbers 2000
Sound Sense Practice Research Project
Steps in Time January 2000
Making Connections
Taking Ownership
Visual Invisible
Continuity and Change
Is Regulation Still an Option in a Digital Universe?
Religious Broadcasting on UK
Beyond Imaginable! Digital Technology and new stories
A Film Map of Great Britain
The Changing Shape of the Book
Public Library Services for Visually Impaired People
Rhyme and Reason:Developing Contemporary Poetry
Young People in Museums
The Arts Economy 1968-98
Creative Industries Mapping Document 2001
A Culture in Common
The Development of Comparable European Cultural Statistics
European Cultural Networks and Networking in Central and Eastern Europe
In Our Neighbourhood
Report from the Intellectual Property Group of the Government's Creative Industries Task Force
Towards 2010
World Culture Report 2000
Business Investment in the Arts 1999/2000
Committing to Culture
Export Restrictions, Tax Incentives and the National Artistic Patrimony
The Artist in the Community ELIA Symposium, London, UK
Arts in Focus
Arts Exchange Research Report: Attendance at South Asian Arts Events
Beyond the Division of Attenders vs Non-Attenders
Children's Participation in Cultural and Leisure Activities
A Picture in Your Head
... as Broadcast in Beijing Merseyside ACME: A Social Impact Study
Festivals Mean Business: The Shape of Arts Festivals in the UK
Making a Living from the Arts?
The Music Industry: Skills and Training Needs in the 21st Century
Pyramid or Pillars
A Snapshot of Creative Industries on Merseyside
Luvvies and Rude Mechanicals?
The Power of Music: The strength of music's influence on our lives
Where the Music Never Stops
Audiences, Artists and the Cultural Economy
A Creative Business? Towards Understanding the Livelihood Strategies of Visual Artists in the North of England
Ethnic Minority Group Representation on Popular Television
Television and the Arts
Managing for Value and Performance
Performance Measurement in Further Education Libraries
Reporting the Arts: News Coverage of Arts and Culture in America
Access to Properties Grant-Aided by English Heritage
Access to the Victoria and Albert Museum
Maintaining the Royal Palaces
The Millennium Dome
UK Museums: Safe and Sound?
Best Value Review of Arts and Cultural Events
Cultural Citizenship
Impact of the Arts: A study of the social and economic impact of the arts in Essex in 1999/2000
The UK Cultural Sector: Profile and Policy Issues
Artists in Education
Art Teachers in Secondary Schools
Creativity and Child Development
Developing Young Children's Creativity through the Arts
Evaluating Creativity
The Learning Curve: Five case studies of arts learning projects in the community supported by South West Arts
Arts in England
Targeting the Now Generation
Arts and Entertainment Workforce Development Plan
Choreography as Work
The Hallé
Music Maker Research Project 1999/2000
Opera for Now
Scottish National Theatre: Report of the Independent Working Group
The Value of Music in London
Workers' Playtime
Conditions for Creative Artists in Europe
Creative Artists, Market Developments and State Policies
Design in Britain: Facts, figures and quotes 2000/2001
North Yorkshire Artists and Makers Survey
Visitors' Interpretive Strategies at Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Training for Growth
Economic Evaluation Model of National Electronic Site Licence Initiative (NESLI) 'Deals' An Investigation
A Survey of Library Services to Schools and Children in the UK 1999-2000
Local Authority Historic Parks in the UK
Museums and Social Inclusion
Power of Place
The Re-negotiation of the PFI-type Deal for the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds
Working Together for the Arts. Analysis of Responses
Working Together for the Arts. Opinion Research
Banking on a Hit
Cultural Funding: Australia, 1999-2000
Arts Survive
Children and Their Changing Media Environment
Survey of Arts & Design Resources in Primary and Secondary Schools
Arts Ambassadors Unit
Family Friendly Final Report
Funky on Your Flyer
Leisure and Cultural Participation: Tasmania, October 2000
Making Sense of Place
East of England Cultural Heritage Skills Foresight Survey
Fast Track to Improving Skills in the museums, galleries and heritage education sector
Learning and Skills Index 1999-2001
Making It Work
Skills for Tomorrow's Media
Healing Arts: The History of Art Therapy
Performing Arts Industries: Australia, 1999-2000
Commercial Art Galleries: Australia, 1999-2000
Motion Picture Exhibition: Australia, 1999-2000
Public Service Broadcasting: What Viewers Want
Television: The Public's View 2000
A Third Tier of Television
The Cost of Copyright Compliance in Further Education & Higher Education Institutions
Out of Sight but Not Out of Mind
'Partnership in Promotion: publishers, booksellers and libraries working together to promote reading
Public Libraries: Australia, 1999-2000
Public Library Materials Fund and Budget Survey 2000-2002
Effects of Light on Materials in Collections
Museums: Australia, 1999-2000
Review of the Cultural Heritage NTO and the Information Services NTO
Survey of Provision for Disabled Users of Museums, Archives and Libraries
Creativity, Incentive and Reward: An economic analysis of copyright and culture in the information age
Differing Diversities: Transversal study on the theme of cultural policy and cultural diversity
Eclipse Report: Developing strategies to combat racism in theatre
Measuring the Social Impact of the Arts: a review
Performing Arts in a New Era
Arts Funding Update
Business Investment in the Arts 2000/01
Critical Links: Learning in the Arts and Student Academic and Social Development
Edit - Play. How Children Use Edutainment Software to Tell Stories
Scottish Arts Council Education and Audience Development Audit
A New Framework for Building Participation in the Arts
Audience Research in the South West
CPD for arts and design practitioners
Research into the experience and attitudes of recent entrants to the museums profession
Skillset Freelance Survey 2001
Common Knowledge: The Tyne and Wear Health Action Zone's Arts and Health Project. Interim Evaluation Report
A Comparative Study of the Impact of Environmental Design upon Hospital Patients and Staff
A Soundtrack for Scottish Tourism: The Scottish Arts Council and Visit Scotland Traditional Music and Tourism Initiative 1999 - 2002
Training Opportunities in South Asian Classical Music in England. ARD summary
Valleys Dance Initiative: Study into the potential development of dance in 6 local authority areas
Crafts Business in Scotland: A study for the Scottish Arts Council, Scottish Enterprise Glasgow
Creative Livelihoods:The Economic Survival of Visual Artists in the North of England
Checking the Books: The Value and Impact of Public Library Book Reading
Clearing the Way: Copyright clearance in UK libraries
LISU Annual Library Statistics 2001 [UK] Featuring trend analysis of UK public and academic libraries 1990-2000 Including Public Library Statistics Report No. 15
Access for Deaf People to Museums and Galleries
Beyond 'Dusty Archives': the economic benefits of preserving recorded heritage
Figuring Out the Dome
The Funding of Professional Archaeological Practice in England Trends, Issue 39
Seeing the Museum Through the Visitors' Eyes The evaluation of the Education Challenge Fund
UK Museums Needs Assessment: A report by the Heritage Lottery Fund and Resource
Arts and Economic Prosperity
'It's what we do'
Making it Count
Cultural Funding by Government, Australia
Local authority expenditure on the arts in England, 2000/01
Not Just a Treat: Arts and Social Inclusion
A Shared Experience
Acting With Intent
Aims in Motion: Dance Companies and their Education
Local Education Authority Music Services Survey of Good Practice
Partnerships for Creativity: An evaluation of implementation
Gallery Go: An evaluation of the effect of the Gallery Go Scheme on its participants
Summertime Arts 2001: Research and Evaluation of the Bexhill Balloon Picnic & Costume Picnic
Arts & Diversity in the Labour Market
Act Up Speak Out
Creating a Land with Music: the work, education and training of professional musicians in the 21st century
Promuse: Professional integration of musicians and continuing education in music
Street Arts and Circus: A Snapshot Size, activities and relationship with the funding system
Evaluation of Northern Arts Year of the Artist 2000/01
Implementing Droit de Suite (artists' resale right) in England Research Report 23 ARD summary
Building Creative Partnerships
Devise: A Framework for the evaluation of Internet search engines
Low Achievers Lifelong Learners
Reading Our Future: evaluation of the DCMS/Wolfson Public Libraries Challenge Fund
Recruit, Retain and Lead
Neighbourhood Renewal and Social Inclusion. The role of museums, libraries and archives
A balancing act: Artists' labour markets and the tax and benefits systems
Artists, taxes and benefits. An international review
Counting the notes: the economic contribution of the UK music business
Local Authorities and Cultural Technology: a survey and case studies of local authorities in the East of England
Regional Cultural Data Framework: a user's guide for researchers and policy makers
Arts Expenditure in Scotland in 1999/00
Funding Support Services in the English Regional Agencies for Museums, Archives and Libraries
The Arts in the Early Years. A National Study of Policy and Practice
Time for the Arts? The arts in the initial training of primary teachers. A survey of training providers in England
Arts in England: Attendance, participation and attitudes in 2001
Attendance at, participation in and attitudes towards the arts in Scotland
Profile of dance attenders in Scotland
Survey of Visitors to Open Studios in the Eastern Region 2002
Glass Ceilings. A study of barriers to progression confronting Black and Asian managers and administrators in the arts in London
The need for play and empowerment amongst community arts practitioners. Easy when you know how
A review of evaluation in community-based art for health activity in the UK
Determined to Dialogue: A survey of arts in health in the Northern and Yorkshire region 2001 -2002
A report into the impact of folk festivals on cultural tourism
Scottish Arts Council Review of Youth Theatre
What's Going On? A national audit of youth music in Scotland
Working in Music
Music with the Under Fours
Survey of Artists Participating in Open Studios in the Eastern Region in 2002
Report of the Contemporary Visual Arts and Crafts Inquiry
Screen Digest Report on the Implications of Digital Technology for the Film Industry
The Relph Report: A study for the Film Council examining the costs of lower budget UK films and their value in the world market
A Survey of Library Services to Schools and Children in the UK 2001 - 2002
LISU Annual Library Statistics 2002
Live Literature Audiences Research Report
Public Library Materials Fund and Budget Survey 2001 - 2003
Volunteers in the Cultural Sector
Count Me In - The Dimensions of Social Inclusion Through Culture and Sport A report for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport
Creative Europe: On Governance and Management of Artistic Creativity in Europe
Culture counts in communities. A framework for measurement
Some Australian Arts Statistics
Free Expression in Arts Funding - A Public Policy Report
Regional funding revisited: arts expenditure in the English regions
Creative Connections. Working with teachers to use museums and galleries as a learning resource
Making Connections: informal media education projects for young people
Saving a place for the arts? A survey of the arts in primary schools in England
Space for Art. A handbook for creative learning environments
A Measure of Culture: Cultural experiences and cultural spending in New Zealand
So Many Galleries, So Little Time. The Impact of Evening Gallery Opening. Market research analysis
Family Friendliness. Audit of recent research and recommendations for the development of family audiences in the arts
Developing Professionalism: Training and development for the North West voluntary and amateur music sector
Sharing practice: A guide to self-evaluation for artists, arts organisations and funders working in the context of social exclusion
Creative Management in the Arts and Heritage: Sustaining and Renewing Professional Management For the 21st Century
The Architectural Healthcare Environment and its Effects on Patient Healthcare Outcomes
Changing the Beat - A study of the Worklife of Jazz Musicians Volume 1
Soundings. Towards a Better Future for Canada's Orchestral Community
Attitude of Queen Square companies to the renewal of the square and to Bristol Legible City. BCDP Research Report
Open Studios - a Gem Worth Polishing
Year of the Artist - Evaluation of the Programme in England. Research report 26
Community Media: access, skills and social enterprise
Developing UK Film Talent: A comprehensive skills survey of the UK film industry
Film in the UK
Libraries must also be buildings?
Young People and Heritage
Artists in figures. A statistical portrait of cultural occupations Research report 31
Fewer than six ... A study of creativity in regeneration in Yorkshire and the Humber
Releasing potential: creativity and change Arts and regeneration in England's North West
Senses of the City and London Arts' support for refugees 1999 - 2002. An evaluation
Rural Virtues: Impact of Arts Touring in Rural Areas
The Long-Term Legacies of Glasgow 1990 European City of Culture
Culture and Commerce. Traditional Arts in Economic Development
The Economic Impact of the Notting Hill Carnival
The Regional Arts Lottery Programme: an evaluation Research report 32
Economic Impact of Culture
A National System of Local Music Education Services. Report of a Feasibility Study
First Steps Evaluation
Pathways into Creativity
Classical Music Consumer Segmentation Study. How Americans Relate to Classical Music and Their Local Orchestras
Cultural Collaborations. Building Partnerships For Arts Participation
Scotland's Minority Ethnic Communities
Summary Report: Evaluation of Cultureshock, Commonwealth North West Cultural Programme
Breightmet Arts Social Impact Study 1999 -2002. Summary
Built-in, not bolt-on: engaging young people in evaluation
New Opportunities Fund. Intensive Evaluation of Splash Extra 2002
Cultural Statistics
Arts, Health and Community - a study of five arts in health community projects
Festivals and the creative region
Purchasers of Contemporary Applied Arts
Scottish Arts Council. Audit of Visual Arts
From looking glass to spyglass: A consultation paper on children's literature
LISU Annual Library Statistics 2003 Featuring trend analysis of UK public and academic libraries 1992-2002
Public Library Materials Fund and Budget Survey 2002-2004
Performance Management for Museums
Focus on cultural diversity: the arts in England: attendance, participation and attitudes
Creative Consequences: the contribution and impact of the arts in Essex: 2001/02
Don't Give Up Your Day Job: an economic study of professional artists in Australia
Employment in Scotland's Cultural Sector, 1998-2001.
Education, Culture and Science in the Netherlands Facts and Figures 2003
Barriers to the realisation of creative ideas [UK] Executive Summary
Keys to imagination: ICT in arts education Creating spaces 2003
Literature Review in Creativity, New Technologies and Learning
AMA Benchmarking: A report on the effectiveness of arts organisations' e-marketing activity
Demand for cultural tourism: summary of research findings
Participation in Arts and Culture: The Importance of Community Venues
Culture-Gates: Exposing Professional 'Gate-keeping' Processes in Music and New Media Arts
Changing the scene: Increasing access to the performing arts for visually impaired performers and audiences in London
Managing Our Performance Spaces Impact Study of the Costs Relating to the Management of Performing Arts Premises in Canada
Proof positive: an audit of positive action employment and training schemes in the arts, September 2002-March 2003
Participation levels in and access to the arts by disabled artists and audiences in Northern Ireland
People with learning disabilities accessing arts experience
Arts & Health Handbook: a practical guide
The Healing Environment Without and Within
The Practice of Arts in Healthcare
An analysis of the Triennially-Funded Theatre Organisations of the Theatre Board of the Australia Council
Arts Festivals in Cumbria: A description of the sector and proposals for its support and development
A Strategy for Agricultural, Horticultural, Town and County Shows in Cumbria
Review of Theatre for Young People in Australia
DCMS Live Music Survey
The Music Study, Mobility and Accountability Project
Audit of the Screen Industries in Scotland: A Report for the Scottish Executive, Pact in Scotland, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Scottish Screen
Full Report of the WILIP and Consultation Exercise
On Common Ground
But What Do You Do For A Living?
Cultural Policy in Finland
Ballet Touring Review
Copyright, Performers' Rights and Economic Incentives
Arts Research Digest Seminar 5
Implementing the national policy for theatre in England: baseline findings. Research Report 33
Children's Participation in Cultural and Leisure Activities, Australia
Barriers to the realisation of creative ideas
Literature Review in Creativity
Demand for cultural tourism
Thirst for Knowledge
Arts and Culture Volunteers in Canada
Focus on cultural diversity: the arts in England
Changing the scene
Managing Our Performance Spaces Impact
City of Quarters
Creative London
Cultural Cooperation in Europe
Portrait of the Artist
Out of the hopeless box
Urban Regeneration, Arts Programming and Major Events
The impact of the arts
New Solutions to Old Problems
Economic impact study of UK theatre
The Status of the Artist in Finland
MTV Europe Music Awards Edinburgh 03
The Creative Engine
Estimating the Financial Impact of the West End's Theatre Critics
Sounding Out The Future
Irish Festivals, Irish Life
Resourcing Dance
The Value of the Performing Arts in Five Communities
Memories and Breath
World Sound New Audiences Report
Mapping the music industry in Scotland
Telling Their Story
Media Arts Study and Profile, Phase 1
A curriculum for artists
The Irish Crafts Industry 2002
Who's In Charge?
Listening to the Past, Speaking to the Future
Attendance at Arts Performances, Museums and Art Galleries in Canada and the Provinces
London: World City for the 21st Century Reflections on themes discussed at the 2003 conference of Arts Council England, London
Laboratory of European Cultural Cooperation Four Year Pilot Project
Evaluation: The Good News for Funders
National Education and the Arts Strategy Draft for Consultation
Strengthening the infrastructure for visual artists
What Did We Learn?
Art and Well-being
The Arts in a New Millennium Research and the Arts Sector
Creative Community Building through Cross-Sector Collaboration
For Arts Sake
Only Connect
Gambling on Culture
Public Funding for the Arts at Local Level
Public Spending on the Arts Within the UK
Fellowship Young People's Project
The Participation of Young People in the Arts in Ireland
Who Goes There?
A Survey of the Arts in Everyday Life 2002
I Liked Everything
Informal Arts
New audiences for the arts
A Summary Report of Arts Attendance
Cream of the crop
Arts in health ARD Summary
Out of Reach Final Report
Research into Festivals in Europe
Making It in the 21st Century
Survey of Craftworkers in the US
The cultural and economic trends in Cinema in Ireland & Wales Interim Report
Advertising Effectiveness in UK Film Distribution
The Impact of Local Cinemas
Barriers to success facing ethnic minority-led film and television production companies
Economic impact study of the UK screen industries
Public Libraries Statistics 2002-2003 Actuals
A Review of Scottish Publishing in the 21st Century
Access to Archaeological Archives
Review of Heritage Protection
The Impact of Free Entry to Museums
Pay in museums
The Politics of Data Collection
Case for the Arts
The Art of Inclusion (ARD Summary)
A Literature Review of the Evidence Base for Culture, The Arts and Sport Policy
The Values Study
The Economic Impact of the Cultural Sector in Scotland
European Cities and Capitals of Culture
The Arts Work. Facts & figures on the arts in Wales 2003
Final report on the impact of Phase 2 of the Museums and Galleries Education Programme
National Arts & Youth Demonstration Project
Statistical Indicators for Arts Policy
The inventive answer
The International Journal of Art & Design Education
Working Together
Using the arts to work with young people at risk
Consultation on a new framework for quality monitoring
Public Art as Public Authorship
Book Publishers, Australia
Investing in Knowledge
State of The Art
International Compendium of Arts and Education
An Analysis of the Economic Potential of the Creative Industries in Vienna
Audience Data UK
Connections and collaborations:developing higher education’s continuing professional development provision for arts and design practitioners
Partnerships between large and small cultural organisations
Economic Impact of the Professional Performing Arts in Ireland
The impact of folk festivals
Market Matters
National Craft Artist Research Project Survey Results
Taste Buds
The cultural and economic trends in Cinema in Ireland & Wales
Public Library Materials Fund and Budget Survey 2003-2005
Inspiration, Identity, Learning: The Value of Museums
Historic Scotland Stakeholder Research
Learning with Digital Technologies in Museums, Science Centres and Galleries
Opening the Doors
Cultural Commission Interim Report
Finding out what works
Towards a Policy for the Traditional Arts
How the United States Funds the Arts
Local Government and the Arts
One Culture: many data
UNESCO World Observatory of the Artist
Survey of Participation in, and Attitudes Towards, Gambling
DCMS Evidence Toolkit
Developing a Performance Profile for Local Authority Cultural Services
Proposals to Develop English Language Theatre
Libraries in Azerbaijan
Four years on: to what extent have the concerns raised in the Boyden Report been addressed?
Changing income and employment circumstances of individual artists
Grants for the Arts Evaluation Report
Local authority expenditure on the arts in England, 2002/03
The value of visual exploration
Creative Industries 2005
Engagement in the Arts
2004 London Calling Arts Marketing Survey
2002 Survey of Public Participation in the Arts
Expressing Themselves
Community-based Cultural Organisations within the Creative Industries
Access to Participation. Cultural policy and civil renewal
Artists Centers. Evolution and Impact on Careers, Neighborhoods and Economies
A Statistical Survey of Regularly Funded Organisations 2003/04
Building Creative Success
Cultural Heritage Organizations
Investing in Culture
nalgao Local Authority Budget Settlement Assessment 2006/07
The Status of Artists in the European Union
Variations Upon An Original Theme
A Sense of Belonging
Art Works
Making life better
Making life better. A guide to integrating culture with community planning
A New Era
A Report on the Tourism Potential of Performing Arts Venues
Edinburgh Festivals 2004-2005 Economic Impact Survey
Research into the Socio-Economic Status of Theatre Practitioners in Ireland
Review of Supports to Contemporary Music in Ireland and Recommendations for Development
The Market for Art
Development of feature films in Australia
Expanding the Book Market
Reading At Risk: A Survey of Literary Reading in America
Who buys books in Canada?
LISU Annual Library Statistics 2004
A Survey of Library Services to Schools and Children in the UK 2003-04
Bringing Communities Together Through Sport and Culture
Culture at the Heart of Regeneration
Intercultural City Reader
Planning for the Intercultural City
Towards a Cultured, Creative Scotland
Market Mechanisms of Financing Culture in Accession Countries
Arts, creativity and health in the south east
Creativity in Business
Living Spaces
Engage Extra: Museums and Galleries as Learning Places
Making Cross-country Comparisons of Cultural Statistics
Contribution of Culture to the North West Economy
A statistical survey of regularly funded organisations 2002/03
Access, participation and progression in the arts for young people on Detention and Training Orders
Education, Enculturation and The Arts
The arts-education interface: a mutual learning triangle?
The Creative College
Customer satisfaction Survey
An evidence based case for arts sponsorship
Arts and Culture in Northern Ireland 2004 Baseline Survey
Creative Yorkshire
Participation in Sport and Physical Activity, the Arts and Creative Activities in the North West of England
Taking Part:Arts Attendance, Participation and Attitudes in Scotland 2004
decibel Evaluation: key findings
Doing the Arts Justice
A Study of the Economic and Social Impact of Subsidised Theatre in Northern Ireland
A Study of the Economic and Social Impact of the Ulster Orchestra
Participation in ensemble music making by young people of minority ethnic origin
UK Street Arts and Mainland Europe
Independent publishing in the Northwest
Collections for the future
Making better use of museum collections
The Impact of Phase 2 of the Museums and Galleries Education Programme
Scottish Cultural Commission Final Report
Creating Chances
Reflect and review: the arts and creativity in early years
The Arts Work. Facts and Figures 2005
Evaluation toolkit for the voluntary and community arts in Northern Ireland
Capturing Cultural Value
Volunteers in Museums: Key Findings and Issues from the Literature
Public Libraries Impact Measures
Engage 17: Regeneration
Making it in the 21st century: A socio-economic survey of craft activity in England and Wales 2002-03
New audiences for the arts. The New Audiences Programmes 1998-2003
Arts Council England Report of the Peer Review (UK)
European Cultural Policies 2015
Comparisons of Arts Funding in Selected Countries: Preliminary Findings [CA]
Funding Opportunities for international cultural cooperation in and with South East Europe [RO]
Private Investment Benchmarking Survey 2004/05
Study of the Socio-Economic Conditions of Theatre Practitioners in Ireland [EI]
Consultation on the shares of National Lottery money for the arts and film, sport, and heritage [UK]
Foundation Funding for Arts Education: An Overview of Recent Trends [US]
Putting the Arts in the Picture: Reframing Education in the
Being Young in Scotland 2005
The Diversity of Cultural Participation: Findings from a National Survey [US]
Taking Part: The National Survey of Culture, Leisure & Sport
A Study of the Effects of Visual and Performing Arts in Health Care [UK]
Assistance to arts and culture festivals
The Potential of Puppetry
Future forecast: Future space; Social space; Curated space
The Creative User: the new market for interactive digital art [UK]
Culture-Biz. Locating Women as Film and Book Publishing Professionals in Europe [DE]
Increasing the attractiveness of libraries for adult learners [UK]
LISU Annual Library Statistics 2005 [UK]
Public Library Materials Fund and Budget Survey 2004-2006 [UK]
Accessibility of museum, library and archives websites:the MLA audit [UK]
The Mapping of Museum Development Officers in England [UK]
Local authority expenditure on the arts in England, 2001/02. Research Report 25
Arts in England. attendance, participation and attitudes in 2002
Facts and Figures About the Arts 1999-2000
The arts in the early years: a national study of policy and practice. Research report 30
A statistical survey of regularly and fixed-term funded organisations based on performance indicators for 1999/2000. Statistics report 4 (summary)
A statistical survey of regularly and fixed-term funded organisations based on performance indicators for 2000/2001. Statistics report 5 (summary)
A statistical survey of regularly funded organisations 2002/03. Statistical report 7
Your health and the arts: a study of the association between arts engagement and health. Supplement to Research Report 37
Focus on cultural diversity: the arts in England: attendance, participation and attitudes. Research report 34
New audiences for the arts. Summary
Arts in England 2003: attendance, participation and attitudes. Research report 37
The impact of the arts: some research evidence
Mobilizing Innovation in the European Arts and Culture
Third Space
The Wow Factor
Artists in Large Canadian Cities
Artists in Small and Rural Municipalities in Canada
Arts in Focus Attitudes, Attendances and Participation
Artswork 2
London Calling Arts Cultural & Tourism Marketing Survey Report
New Zealanders and the Arts
Legacy, Transition, Succession
Research Networks and Workshops
Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe,
Critical Evidence
Developing Audiences in the North West
An Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights
Making Consultation Matter
The arts festival sector in Yorkshire
SME Music Businesses: Business Growth and Access to Finance
West Midlands Theatre
Future forecast:Outer Space
Going, going, gone?
Making it to market
Perspectives on practice
Reflections on networking
A Survey of Library Services to Schools and Children in the UK 2004-05
The Collecting Challenge
Gifts of the Muse: Reframing the Debate About the Benefits of the Arts
The challenge of transcultural diversities
Creating Growth: How the UK can develop world-class creative businesses
Creating Value: How the UK can invest in new creative business
Creative Businesses Research Report
Good & Plenty
Cultural Hubs
Teaching Literacy Through Art
Lifelong Learning for Musicians
Nurturing Creativity in Young People
The Impact of Artsmark on schools in England
Cardiff Audience Tracking Study. Executive Summary
Client Satisfaction Survey 2005. Executive Summary
Motivations Matter: Findings and Practical Implications of a National Survey of Cultural Participation
Shared Territories
Arts festivals and the visitor economy
Dance Included
Impact of Youth Theatres on Communities
Street arts healthcheck
Whose Theatre? Report on the Sustained Theatre Consultation
An Examination of Resources for Writing in Performance
PROJECT. Engaging artists in the built environment
The power of art visual arts
The Display of Art in Wales
Study of Cinema Exhibition
Study into arts and broadcasting in Ireland
Free Verse
Writing Up
Comparative Mapping Project: Cultural Spend and Infrastructure: A Comparative Study
What did you learn at the museum today? Second Study
Cultural Value and the Crisis of Legitimacy
Education Through Art
Collections - Impact of networking
Future Forecast
The Big Picture
Local Authorities: A Change in the Cultural Climate?
Rethinking the Social Impact of the Arts: a critical-historical review
Creating Change
Creative Economy Programme. Access to Finance and Business Support Working Group Final Report
Cultural Indicators for New Zealand 2006
Public Investment in the Arts: a decade of change
Creative Economy Programme
Creative Partnerships: initiative and impact
Ways in to creative arts training in the Early Years
Arts, Culture and the Social Health of the Nation 2005
Creative Communities
The Public and the Arts 2006
Circus Healthcheck
Music Industry Project North West
The Search for Shining Eyes
Social impact study of UK theatre
Sounds New
Mapping Interpretation Practices in Contemporary Art
LISU Annual Library Statistics 2006
Public Library Materials Fund and Budget Survey 2005-2007
Museum, Library & Archive. Research in The North East 2001 - 2006
Evaluation of the Cultural Pathfinder Programme [UK]
Public value and the arts in England: Discussion and conclusions of the arts debate [UK]
Supporting Excellence in the Arts
The arts debate: Summary and analysis of consultation responses
Counting on Creativity
How linked are the UK’s creative industries to the
Impact of Cultural Tourism upon Urban Economies: an Econometric Exercise
From creative industries to creative economy:connections and embeddedness in the UK context
A Sound Investment
Creative Partnerships and the Curriculum
Study of Creative Partnerships’ Local Sharing of Practice and Learning
Behind the Screen
Artists Count: The Economic Impact of Minnesota’s Individual Artists
A Study into the Effect on the UK Art Market of the Introduction of the Artist’s Resale Right
Creating Innovation
Creative Footprint
Doing Business in the European Capital of Culture
European Capital of Culture and Liverpool’s Developer Market
Tourism and the Business of Culture
Local USP
The Position of Cultural Workers in Creative Industries
Arts and Culture in Northern Ireland 2007
Beyond the Creative Industries
From Indifference to Enthusiasm
In the Frame or Out of the Picture
London – A Cultural Audit
Social Effects of Culture
Vital Communities
What People Want from the Arts
Invest to save
The Cultural and Creative Industries
The Intercultural City
Audit of Dance Provision in English Schools 2006/07
The Dance Review
Development of the Infrastructure and Support of Live Art in Scotland
Development of the Street Arts Sector in Scotland
Festivals Mean Business 3
The Elephant in the Room
Maximising the MA Show
Building a Creative Innovation Economy
Digital Cinema in Ireland
Special Effects
Research into Translating Literature
Participation Nation
Creative Britain
Culture and Learning
Learning about learning
Issues in Curating Contemporary Art and Performance
Delivering Local Area Agreements - The contribution of cultural activity
Delivering Local Area Agreements - A digest of research to evidence the contribution of culture to Local Area Agreements
The evidence base for arts and culture policy
Artists in the Workforce 1990-2005
Artist Space Development: Financing
Artist Space Development: Making the Case
Arts funding in Yorkshire and the Humber 2006/07
Hand in Hand
Making grants efficiently in the culture, media and sport sector
Public support for creative industries
Understanding the impact of Cultural Tourism in Cornwall
Arts in Education and Creativity
Creative Projects. Getting Parents Involved
Evaluation of the Arts Across the Curriculum Project
Intergenerational Practice
Music Education Partnerships Mapping Survey Questionnaire & Responses
Points of Alignment
Teaching Literacy Through Art Final Report
Arts and Public Engagement
Cultural Olympiad Consultation
Our Creative Talent: the voluntary and amateur arts in England
Sponsorship of Cultural Events, Organisations and Activities 2007
The impact of participation in performing arts on adolescent health and behaviour: a systematic review of the literature
Invest to save: Arts in Health Evaluation
Learning, Arts, and the Brain
Dance Science Research Report
Anticipating Change in the Major Performing Arts
Glastonbury Festivals 2007 Economic Impact Assessment
Scottish Arts Council Report on the P6 Target Data
Stae on Stage
The Ascent of Manchester
Fine Arts and Innovation
The Economic Impact of the UK Film Industry
Summary report: Attending heritage sites
Values and benefits of heritage
The value of the arts
Between Grace and Fear: The role of the Arts in a time of change
Building Capacity and Developing Audiences
Arts Council England electronic archive
Artists, taxes and benefits – an international review - Full report
Arts in England 2003: attendance, participation and attitudes
Arts in health: a review of the medical literature
Economic impact study of UK theatre. Full Report
Focus on cultural diversity: the arts in England: attendance, participation and attitudes
Grants for the arts: an evaluation of the first year
The impact of the arts: some research evidence. Full ACE Report
Implementing Droit de Suite (artists’ resale right) in England
Implementing the national policy for theatre in England. Case studies: 1 Full report
Implementing the national policy for theatre: baseline findings. Full report
Your health and the arts: a study of the association between arts engagement and health
Training opportunities in South Asian classical music in England. Full ACE Report
A statistical survey of regularly and fixed-term funded organisations based on performance indicators for 2000/2001
Arts and social exclusion - Full report
Regional funding revisited: arts expenditure in the English regions. ACE Report
Public attitudes to the arts. The findings of research into the awareness of attitudes towards the arts among adults in England
Measuring the economic and social impact of the arts. A review
Local authority expenditure on the arts in England, 2001/02
The art of inclusion. Annual Report 2005/2006. ACE Report
Local authority expenditure on the arts in England, 2002/03
A statistical survey of regularly and fixed term funded organisations 2001/02
The arts in the early years: a national study of policy and practice
The Regional Arts Lottery Programme: an evaluation. Full ACE Report
Year of the Artist
Support for Major Performing Arts Organisations
Arts and employability
Arts in Wales
California Arts Audience Research Project
The Word - The Report
Festivals Mean Business
Report on the Programme Culture 2000
Hidden innovation in the creative industries
Arts and humanities research and innovation
Finances of Performing Arts Organisations in Canada in 2006-07
Finances of Public Museums and Art Galleries in Canada in 2006-07
Report on the Outcomes of Performing Arts Touring Grants 2005-06
Arts, Education and Other Learning Settings
Developing Entrepreneurial Graduates
Including the arts in extended services
State of the Arts
Their learning becomes your journey
Young Persons Arts Award
The Y Dance “Dance-in-Schools Initiative” (DISI) Final Evaluation Report
Arts and Refugees
Aboriginal Arts Research Initiative
Arts and Culture in Australia: A Statistical Overview
Factors in Canadians' Cultural Activities
Impacts08 Benchmark Indicators
Local Area Studies - Baseline and 2007 Results
Volunteering for Culture
Cultural Provision for Black and Minority Ethnic Offenders in Criminal Justice Settings in England and Wales
An Evaluative Report of Arts in Prison
Love your work: training, retaining and connecting artists in theatre
Mobility Matters
A Sound Ear II
Raising Your Voice
The art of innovation
From a map and some memorities to Scotland and Venice
Barriers to Diversity in Film
08 Statistical Yearbook
Older Women in Feature Films
Diversity in Publishing Programme Evaluation
Public Library Materials Fund and Budget Survey 2007-2009
Museums Galleries Scotland: Impact on Communities
Arts funding in Yorkshire and the Humber 2003/04
Creative Yorkshire: cultural diversity and employment in the creative sector
International creative practice in early years settings
A Survey of Live Music Staged in England & Wales in 2003/04
Research on Public Art: Assessing Impact and Quality
Act Up! The Impact of Youth Theatre on Young People’s Learning
Engaging young people – the arts: transforming the lives of young people across the West Midlands
Gongs Behind Bars: evaluation report of the Good Vibrations Gamelan in Prisons Pilot Project
Gongs Behind Bars II: evaluation report of Phase 2 of the Good Vibrations Gamelan in Prisons Pilot Project
Valuing the Voluntary Arts – the State of the Sector in Somerset and Dorset 2004
Creative Yorkshire: visual artists in shared workspaces – resources and facilities
An Audit of Digital Media Services in Scotland’s Tourist, Sporting and Cultural Organisations 2005
Provision for adult learners in public libraries in England
New Directions in Social Policy: developing the evidence base for museums, libraries and archives in England
From Access to Participation. Cultural policy and civil renewal
Research into VAT Levied on Non-resident Artists’ Fees
Turning their ears on … keeping their ears open
Quality of Life and Well-Being: Measuring the Benefits of Culture and Sport – A Literature Review
The Arts and State Governments
Creative Economy Programme. Evidence and Analysis Group
Inventory of the best practices linking culture with education
Policy research by government arts agencies: a review of approaches
The Arts, Cultural Inclusion and Social Cohesion
The Arts in Criminal Justice – A Study of Research Feasibility
The rhetorics of creativity: A review of the literature
The Status of Artists in Europe
Creative Consequences: understanding the value of the arts in Essex 1999/2000 – 2004/2005
Critical Issues Facing the Arts in California
Cultural Vitality in Communities: Interpretation and Indicators
Financing the Arts and Culture in the European Union
The Urban Cultural Programme
Consulting young people: a review of the literature
Cultural Co-ordinators in Scottish Schools
Paving the way:mapping of young people’s participatory theatre
Retuning:Evaluation of Scotland’s Youth Music Initiative (2003-2006)
E-Marketing the Arts
Cultural Development in Rural and Remote Areas
Taking Part: The National Survey of Culture, Leisure & Sport. Annual Report 2005/2006
The Arts Debate
The power of the barbecue. Consumer responses to Staiths
Barriers to disabled people’s participation in and access to the arts in Northern Ireland
The Mentoring Development Project
Appraisal of options for the future accommodation of The National Theatre of Scotland
The Secondary Market for Tickets (Music and Sport)
Making a Single Case for the Arts: An International Perspective
Survey on intercultural dialogue
Arts in the Balance:
Assessment of the contribution of museums, libraries and archives to the visitor economy
Comparative income of literary translators in Europe
Evaluation of The People’s Millions. Final Report
The Impact of Culture on Tourism
IRIS special – Creativity comes at a price.
Creative economy research programme
Encourage children today to build audiences for tomorrow
Special effects: the distinctiveness of learning outcomes in relation to moving image education projects
Teenagers’ significant experiences in aesthetic areas: some observations regarding the role of dramatic art
Arts Council England. Self-Assessment and Peer Review Consultation
European Capitals of Culture
European Cultural Capital Report No. 2
Framing Quality in the Arts – A Canvas for Partnership Working
Making Solid Ground
New Zealanders and the arts: Attitudes, attendance and participation in 2008
Taking Part in Scotland 2008
Young People Omnibus
Art for Art’s Sake
All America’s a Stage
Digital Britain
Digital Britain Creating the Skills for the Digital Economy: A summary of recommendations for action
Reading on the Rise
Reading on the Rise
Participation in Libraries and Museums at the Local Level: Summary of findings from Active People Data
Heritage Grants and Your Heritage Programme Evaluation
Defining and Mapping Intangible Cultural Heritage
Scoping and Mapping Intangible Cultural Heritage in Scotland
The Economic Impact of Funding Heritage
Show Scotland 2008
Their Past Your Future Scotland
The Impact of Culture on Creativity
The Impact of Culture on Creativity
Soft Innovation
The Arts Council: Managed to Death
Business Investment in Culture Trends 2008
The Economy of Culture in Europe
Joint Research Project into Living and Working Conditions of Artists in Ireland
Local Pride: Individual Giving to the Arts in England
The Nation’s Report Card
Arts Development in Rural Arizona
Arts Participation 2008
Arts and Culture in Australia
Arts and Culture in Australia
Cultural Tourism Research
Demand for Cultural Tourism
The geography of creativity
Market Trends 2009
The Children’s Omnibus Survey 2007
The Arts Council of Wales 2008 Omnibus Survey
Black, Asian and minority ethnic leadership
Strategic Evaluation of the cultural leadership programme
Arts development in community health
The Elephant Task Force
The Economic Environment for American Orchestras
The Academy
Theatre Assessment 2009
Art at the Centre Phase II
Digital Britain: attitudes towards internet content among adults
09 Statistical Yearbook
Stories we tell ourselves
Capturing the Impact of Libraries
Community Archives and the Sustainable Communities Agenda
Proving Value and Improving Practice: A discussion about Social Return on Investment
Shared Interest: developing collaboration, partnerships and research relationships between higher education, museums, galleries and visual arts organisations in the North West
The Role of Museums, Libraries, Archives and Local Area Agreements
Volunteering in Archives
Volunteering in Museums