Recommendations for Growth: UK digital media


Channel 4, The Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television, The Arts Council of England and the Department of Trade and Industry.

Kay Henning
(1998) London: Digital Media Alliance, Arts Council of England, 56 pages


Recommendations for Growth: UK digital media

To identify the key barriers to growth in the digital media sector; to highlight the challenges which these barriers present and to prioritise recommendations for action.

Desk research and consultation with those working in digital media development, television production and broadcast, in the arts and in education between May and August 1998.

Foreword; Executive summary; Introduction; Digital economy; Creative industries; Digital media; Dimensions of sector; Competitive landscape; Barriers to development; Recommendations for growth; Appendix: Study participants; References; Credits.

The Digital Media Alliance reports that the UK is well placed to secure competitive and creative advantage for its burgeoning digital industry. It reports that a decade ago the digital media industry barely existed, whereas now there are approximately 2,750 digital media companies in the UK whose sole, or primary activity is designing and creating content for the Internet and other digital platforms. This industry employs an estimated 20,750 people generating annual revenues in the region of £925 million. If the obstacles to growth were removed the industry could achieve a growth rate of at least 20% per annum over the next decade, providing the economy with over 100,000 jobs and annual revenues of nearly £5 billion by 2007. However, the digital media industry faces many operational, legal and regulatory issues which are unique to the emerging digital economy. If the barriers to growth are not removed many digital media companies companies will be engulfed and in the possession of international competitors within a period of five years. The report makes four recommendations to help develop and sustain growth. The first is create a strategic voice through developing the existing Digital Media Alliance. The Alliance would have two primary functions: to effect a 12-point agenda designed to enable the UK industry to excel and compete with the best in the world; and to help formulate policy and provide advice. It makes further recommendations with regard to promoting economic development, nurturing creativity and promoting access for all.

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